Attack the source

Call To Prayer

Title: Attack the source

By: Owusu Clifford S.

Date: 21/05/2022


2nd Kings 2:20-21 “20 And he said, โ€œBring me a new bowl, and put salt in it.โ€ So they brought it to him. 21 Then he went out to the source of the water, and cast in the salt there, and said, โ€œThus says the Lord: โ€˜I have healed this water; from it there shall be no more death or barrenness.”


The source of everything is the key strategic point of that thing. When someone wants to get rid of a tree, the best approach is trace the root of the tree and attack it because the root is the source of nutrients and strength for the tree. In a similar vein, when there is a fire outbreak and the fire service arrive, they try to trace the source of the fire and deal with it from there. Thus, the moment you identify the source and tackle it, your chances of success is very high.

The people of Jericho in today’s verses had everything going well for the city except one thing, their water was bad. The water was a cause of barrenness and death in the city. Hence, they pleaded with Elisha, the prophet, to heal the water. This was one of the earliest miracles Elisha will perform after he took the mantle of Elijah. As a spirit and visionary man, he requested that they bring him salt. Salt has both a preservation and purification power, that is why the Bible teaches us to be the salt of the world. When Elisha got what he needed to accomplish the task, he went to the source of the river.

One would ask, why didn’t he just treat the water from where he was standing instead of going to the source? Now, the answer is in what we have said from the beginning. To attack every situation, you must attack the source. Elisha had enough power to purify the water from anywhere but he decided to cleanse it from the source.

What lesson can we learn from this? When a tree is cut down there is the possibility that it will grow again when it gets the needed nutrients and conditions, but when it is uprooted, it has literally no chance of growing again. The source has been attacked. As believers we must tackle situations from the source. We have one and only one enemy, the devil. He is the source of every negative thing that happens in the world. His aim is to kill, steal and destroy. He is the source of everything bad. However, often, we tend to focus on the channel/vessel through which he (Satan) performs his works and executes his plans.ย  It is astonishing how some Christians will not speak with people they believe are working against them. Beloved, you are fighting the wrong person if your prayers and focus is for the destruction of that colleague at work, family member at home or neighbour.

Apart from it being a wrong way to pray, for the Bible says we should help those who hate us, it is also the wrong target you are focusing on. The real enemy is operating behind the scenes. Today, I want you to shift your focus and attack the source. Do it in a manner as the Bible teaches.

On the other hand, a key is the source to all the treasures in a room. To gain access to the reserves of a bank, you need the key or code to the safe where the reserves are kept. The key is the source. May the Holy Spirit enlighten our eyes to identify the source and tackle it appropriately. God bless you!


Let us thank God for the answers to our prayers. Let us also pray that the eyes of our understanding will be opened to identify the source of our blessings as well as the source of the problems that come our way and deal with each one accordingly.


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