The Rise of Judges

Call to Prayer

Title: The Rise of Judges

By: Daniel Peter



And saviours shall come up on mount Zion to judge the mount of Esau; and the kingdom shall be the LORD’S Obadiah 1:21 KJV


The heavens and the earth were created in such a way that earth will be a reflection of heaven; this means that the way things are done on earth should be similar to what is in heaven. Being that God has given the earth to man (Psalm 115:16), He created Adam in such a way that he will be united with Him in Spirit. Being able to discern God’s will per time, Adam could administer earth as God desires it to be (as it is in heaven, so it will be on earth). Therefore, Adam was a king that was subjected to the King of kings (God almighty).

At His fall, Adam was separated from God (he experienced spiritual death), and was no longer one with Him (the Holy Spirit departed from him). Being subjected to the devil, Adam, and the whole of mankind, could not administer earth in the way God desired. The Lord indicated the restoration of things by the promise of redemption when He was judging Satan (Gen. 3:15). To help us understand the operations of the kingdom, the nation of Israel was used as a model of that which was to come. For 410 years after their return from Egypt, Israel did not have a human king (God was their King), but were ruled by Judges. Judges are Kingdom leaders through which God administers the kingdom on earth, and delivers the people from oppression (they are saviours). Therefore, these Judges were human representatives of God (who is the King of the kingdom and is a Spirit).

The Israelites rejected God as their King when they requested for a human king (1Sam. 8:7). God granted their request, but also planned a redemption of their error. This redemption was obtained when God manifested as a man in Jesus Christ, and came from the human line of the royal family of David. After obtaining victory over the devil, He obtained the kingdom Adam lost, and by that He was restored as the king of the kingdom (He is not just the King as God, but also as a man). Having ascended up to heaven and has poured down the gift of the Holy Spirit, His rulership on earth is carried out by Kingdom Judges (leaders), as modelled in the Old Testament. Only mature sons and daughters of God can be used as Kingdom Judges, and it is by these ones the statement “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Messiah, and he will reign for ever and ever (Rev. 11:15)โ€ will be fulfilled, for by them the kingdom of the world will be subdued and won to God.

We rise as judges when we step into our leadership positions both in the Church and in the world (when we fulfil our calling).

Prayer Point:

Let’s thank God for the word today. Let’s ask Him to help each one to rise as a judge.


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