Who do you call first


Title: Who do you call first

By: Njuacha Hubert

Date: 20/06/2022


โ€œSome trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.โ€ Psalm 20:7ย 


In times of trouble who do you call first? What is your security? What is your confidence?ย  When seeking a solution, who or what do you put your trust in ? Is it your husband, is it your wife, is it your pastor, is it your money, is it your education or is it the almighty God, the creator of all that is seen and unseen, the giver and taker of life, the I am that I am. I can not fathom His greatness but I believe in Him and every day He proofs Himself to me.ย 

Asa was a king of Judah who remained committed to the lord all his life (2 Chronicles 15:17). But towards the end of his life, he made two big blunders which are both related to relying on people or systems instead of God. The first is that He sought the help of the king of Aram when He was attacked by the king of Israel without seeking God. (2 Chronicles 16:1-10). The king of Aram indeed solved his problem but a prophet declared Godโ€™s word to Asa soon after this, saying in summary that He will have war in his hands from then on because instead relying on God who had delivered him before this time from even larger armies, he decided to rely on king Aram. The prophet described his action as foolish as it was indeed. The second and fatal blunder the God-fearing king Asa was that He fell sick and refused to seek God but consulted doctors instead. (2 Chronicles 16:11-14). I suspect that by this time Asa felt established already and tried to act like neighboring kings in terms relying on himself (diplomatic skills or the best doctors at his disposal). Asa still feared God as 2 Chronicles 15-17 describes him as being committed all his life but this point he chose pride and foolishness by relying on things or people without seeking God first.

The point here is not that a person cannot help you or that a doctor cannot provide medication but that, it is God you should seek first and then He will choose what instrument to use to help you. Be it a person, a doctor or nothing. Many at times when we have a tried everything and it has not worked then we turn to God. How embarrassing! God has become a plan B and even at times a plan E. Before going to the hospital make sure you have prayed to God to heal you. Before preparing for your exam make sure you have prayed for Godโ€™s assistance in your studies. Because the laborer labors in vain if the lord does not build (Psalm 127: 1) . With God you don’t always need to do what you think needs to be done because His plans may be different and He may simply need you to do nothing. Pray !. Like our opening verse says our trust must be in the name of the lord because everything and every one can fail but not Jesus.ย 


Prayer Point:ย 

Let’s thank God for the grace to read this word today and pray for more grace to put Him at the rightful place, which is, number one in our life.


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