Victory Over Fear

Call to Prayer
Title: Victory Over Fear
By: Daniel Peter
Date: 06.07.2022

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
2 Timothy 1:7 KJV

Fear is one of the enemy’s greatest weapon against a believer, and one of the things God most often warned His children against in the Bible. It is said that there are about 365 “Fear Nots” in scriptures, which indicates that God wants us to remember the instrument each day of the year.

The strength of fear is not in it self, but that it puts its victim in a position where it becomes difficult for him or her to receive help from God . This is because, for God to act in our situation, He requires us to have faith, but fear is in direct opposition to faith for it is a sign of doubt. Therefore, knowing that our enemy is alway moving around like a roaring lion, looking for whom to devour with the spirit of fear and his other weapons (1 Peter 5:8), its good we equip ourselves with knowledge on how to stay victorious of him.

To stay victorious over fear, one of the things we must know is that God is with us. Most of the “Fear Not” instructions in scriptures id usually followed by the statement “For I am with you”, which is a revelation of His presence. When we stay conscious that God, who is almighty, is with us, the situation causing fear becomes smaller, for the big God is with us. In the New Testament, God’s presence with us is not based on our ability to keep His commandments like it was in the Old Testament, but simply faith in His word: “I am with you always, even to the end of the world (Matt. 28:20 )”. His presence with us becomes manifest when we are conscious that He is with us and we commune with Him.

Knowing God is with you gives you the boldness to stand against the devil, who is the source of fear, and resist him until he flees (James 4:7). So, Fear Not!!!

Prayer Point:

Let’s ask Him to help us stay conscious of His Presence with is.


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