Where He Provides

Call To Prayer

Title: Where He Provides

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 13.07.2022ย ย 

So Abraham called that place The LORD Will Provide. And to this day it is said, โ€œOn the mountain of the LORD it will be provided.โ€ Genesis 22:14 NIV

Isaiah 51:1 admonished us, saying “… Look to the rock from which you were cut and to the quarry from which you were hewn; look to Abraham, your father, and to Sarah, who gave you birth”.ย  This suggests that the life of Abraham is a pattern or an example for all of Abraham’s children (men and women of faith who seek after righteousness). Therefore, we are to look at him to understand the process God is taking us through.

Abraham was one who enjoyed the provision of God, even from the first account of him. However, the secret to Abraham’s wealth was revealed when He was tested. God had asked him to sacrifice his son (Gen. 22:2), which He responded immediately, and embarked on a three days trip to fulfill that obedience. When asked by his son, Isaac (whom he was to sacrifice), about the sacrifice, he responded by saying “the Lord will PROVIDE Himself the lamb..ย  (Gen. 22:8)”. This statement of Abraham was not just a sudden spur, but a truth he had lived by from his beginning. When asked to go to a new land from his ancestral home, there was no mention of a conversation concerning financial provision or other forms of provision that will be needed for his sustenance. He just obeyed and trusted He will provide, and He did in increasing measure.

As we saw in the account of the test Abraham went through, God provided Himself a sacrifice when He got to the mountain he was directed and demonstrated complete obedience by attempting to do that which he was instructed to (Gen. 22:9). Therefore, the mountain of the Lord is the place of complete obedience, and it is the place God makes provision for His children. For Abraham, it was a physical mountain, but for us, it may be a call we are to fulfill, or a location He wants us to be in. It can also be a giving he wants us to do, or even a relationship (marriage) he wants us to get into etc. But one thing is common, it’s usually sacrificial in nature.

It took Abraham three days to get to the mountain. That was a three days period for the devil to tempt him to consider disobedience. But Abraham did not yield to that temptation, and he was considered to be one who feared God by the Angel that spoke later (Gen. 22:12). For Joseph, the period of testing was 13 years in a foreign land, but his provision came after he endured till the end. I don’t know how long yours must have taken, but if you continue faithfully with Him till the end, His provision will come.

So, trust the Lord and obey Him as Abraham and other men and women of faith did, and you will see the provision of God. For “If you consent and obey, You will eat the best of the land (Isaiah 1:19 NASB)”.

Prayer Point:

Let’s thank Him for His word today, and let’s ask Him to give the entire body of Christ grace to obey Him till the very end.

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