Suffering with Understanding

Call To Prayer ย 

Title: Suffering with Understandingย 

Date: 18/07/2022ย 

By: Njuacha Hubertย 


โ€œWherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and tremblingโ€ Philippians 2:12ย 


While one is alive, there is always suffering in one form or the other. One of the beauties of the Christian life is that we can make the most our suffering and come out better and stronger. We can also avoid someย sufferings that come as consequences of sin. However, there is a kind of suffering we cannot avoid. The kind that comes to test our faith, to transform us and mold into the image of the son. This kind of suffering humbles us as we see withย the thorn of flesh in the life of Saint Paul (2 Corinthians 12:6-10). This kind of suffering tests our faith as we see in theย life of Abraham and Job. It is one thing to profess faith with the mouth, it is another thing to live it out. This kind of suffering builds us for service in the kingdom. It is this building for service that I would like us toย zoom in onย today. ย 

You see, to guarantee the success of a fight, the boxer has to train harder than the expected fight. He hopes for the best but prepares for the worst. In our spiritual journey we also need training to be able to handle our God given assignments gracefully. The trials and tribulations we go through prepare us to handle the temptations accompanying our assignments in the future with ease. Before Joseph became the governor of Egypt he was once a slave, a servant, and a prisoner. His time in prison must have developed in him the grace for modesty and compassion. His resisting the wife of Potiphar not only propelled him towards his destiny but also must have developed his self-control and contentment which He definitely needed to be a good governor. Jesus fasted in the desert for 40 days. And he was crucified and tortured to death on one day. Now you tell me, do you think Jesus would have had to the grace to endure this suffering unto to death if He hadnโ€™t had such a prolonged 1 month 10 days fast.? ย 

Trails can be very painful but know this; God can’t allow go through anything without making provision for the strength (1 Corinthians 10:13). If He says you can. Then you can because He can through you. In times of trails preach to yourself by repeating the word of God to yourself. The word is our weapon. It is our comfort and our shield. With this understanding that trials are of a training purpose among other reasons, during trials try to be as excited as you would be if you were working out in the gym (or any other kind of training you have had to go through to achieve something). Because you are conscious of the benefits, you are working out your salvation in fear and trembling by passing through trials gracefully. Lastly let us strive to give thanks in all situations because everything is working together for our good. (Romans 8:28)ย 


Prayer Point: ย 

Let us thank God for all the trails we may be going through. Letโ€™s pray also for the grace to recognize and repent when suffering comes as a result of disobedience.ย 

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