Sound in God’s statutes

Call to Prayer

Title: Sound in God’s statutes

By: Simon Maina Nuhu

Date: 22.07.2022


”Let my heart be sound in thy statutes; that I be not ashamed” (Psalm 119:80).


A very important and popular means of praising and giving thanks unto God is singing worship songs. The Lord has blessed some people with talents to compose songs of praise. One example is a Christian lady named Fanny Crosby. Though she was blind, she received inspiration to pen down lyrics of some of the melodious and great songs that we sing today in church.

God desires and also commands us to sing praises to Him. Unfortunately, many young people today have given in to the influence of worldly songs that glorify the flesh and Satan. They write, sing and dance to worldly songs that corrupt and turn the heart of the people away from God’s righteous standard. You must beware of the trend of joining other boys and girls who are engaged in worldly pursuit. Cultivate the attitude of singing scripture-based songs that glorify God. The main purpose of singing is to exalt, praise, honor and glorify God. If you are used to singing worldly songs, pray for cleansing through the blood of Jesus. Then read your Bible every day, meditate on its message and receive inspiration to write and sing songs of praise unto the Lord.


Prayer point:

Lets thank God for the message today. Let’s also ask Him to teach us how to worship Him in songs and Hymn.


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