How eager are you?

Call To Prayer

Title: How eager are you?

By: Owusu Clifford S.

Date: 13/08/2022


For she said, โ€œIf only I may touch His clothes, I shall be made well.โ€ Mark 5:28


Often, the problem of we Christians is not about what we need or want or what we want to accomplish, but it is about attitude. We know what we need/want, we have resolutions, we have plans, we have desires. However, none of these bring results on their on. Plans will remain plans, needs will not be met, resolutions will be carried forward to the next month or year if the eagerness to see them done is not there.

In today’s message, we read of a woman who was eager, who was desperate (Mark 5:25-23). Now let’s take time and learn some few lessons from the woman.

First, she knew her problem and understood what it was. It is different to know that something is wrong and it is also different to understand the magnitude of the problem. This woman had suffered for twelve years. A problem which potentially prevented her from going to a crowdy place. Apart from the problem being physically burdensome, it was also financially draining. The Bible says she had spent all that she had on treatment but to no avail (Mark 5:26).

Secondly, she got to the stage where she could not take it anymore. It is different to have a problem and it is also different to have the ‘enough is enough’ attitude and mindset. Some people are happy accepting that the problem is part of their life. They have accepted their fate. The moment the doctors say it is incurable then they agree and live with it. There are people who give in too soon without exploring possible solutions.

Finally, she knew where and who the solution to her problem was, it was Jesus. The Bible says she heard of Jesus. Faith comes by hearing. Then she believed that Jesus can heal her. Despite hearing and believing, if she had stayed at home, the problem would have remained. If she had not taken a step, the issue would not have been resolved. She had to pursue her healing. She was desperate and eager. She knew who and where to go and she did everything possible to get to Jesus despite the number of people around Jesus at that time. With her situation, she would have been justified if she stayed home, but that may not have brought her healing.

The question for us today is, how eager are you? Is enough enough for you or have you accepted your fate? The solution is still Jesus Christ and He is always available. What is required of us is a little bit of consistency and persistency. May God bless us!


Let us thank God for the answers to our prayers. Let us pray for the grace to persist to the end in pursuit of what we need from God.


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