Power in the name of Jesus

Call to Prayer

Title: Power in the name of Jesus

By: Simon Maina Nuhu

Date: 26.08.2022


”Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesusย every knee should bow,ย in heaven and on earth and under the earth,ย and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father”. (Phillipians 2:9-11)


The name of Jesus is a ย heavenly identity given by God Almighty as a result of the love and humility of the son by leaving the glory and splendor ofย  Heaven to carry the form of a servant in flesh and live among mere men, perform common duties of men, and above all, humbly sacrifice himself for the salvation of all men. It is the virtue of the love and humility of Christ that pleased the Father to accord him with all powers, authorities, dominions and that by the name ”Jesus Christ”ย  everything in Heaven, on earth and beneath earth will come to subjection.

By jurisdiction of Heaven, whatsoever men shall ask in the name of Jesus, that they shall have irrespective of their gender, social status, educational backgrounds, financial status, race, ethnic affiliations etc and the Father is glorified in that manner (John 14:13). Although the Original Hebrew name is ”Yeshua” and many Bible scholars argue and question the potency of the name due to translations into several languages. The truth is, what matters is how we belong to God by faith. Languages were created by God (Genesis 11:7), and therefore if we don’t understand even prophesies in our own simple respective languages then they profit us nothing because the mystery of the name is bigger than languages. We can call the name in our languages and still be effective. As powerful and mighty as the name is, it has a principle of operation, the name of Jesus is not effective in the mouth of an unbeliever(Acts 19:15-16).

What makes the name of Jesus Christ abundantly superior is our identity in God. If we are genuinely saved by faith, then we are absolutely assured that He is always with us; fellowshipping with our spirit. We see the evidence of His amazing power in the lives of the disciples and the early church, how they performed extraordinary miracles. God demonstrated His majestic dominion through them because they willingly submitted their all to Him and also lived by faith in Christ.


Prayer point:

Let’s thank God for His word. Let’s also pray that He reveals more unto us about the power in the name of Jesus.



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