Keys to Ruling on a Foreign Land


By: Stephen Osei Kuffour

Date: 28.08.2022

Title: Keys to Ruling on a Foreign Land


For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.

ย (Rom 8:19 KJV)


For some time now, I have been sharing on how the Lord plans to elevate many Christians and put them at higher places of influence so He can fill the whole earth with His Glory, His Will, His Purpose, and His Intent. Considering the current nature of the world, this Plan looks impossible to achieve. However, we know that the Lord can do all things because He was able to make Joseph and Daniel rulers on a foreign Land. Today, I would like to continue with what we can learn from the rise of Joseph and Daniel as we await the plan of God to be fulfilled in our time.

One main thing that elevated these great men is their Gift. Both had the Gift of understanding and interpretation of dreams and visions (Dan 1:17, Dan 2, Gen 41). The Lord has given each one of us spiritual and natural Gifts. We may not know why we have these Gifts. However, the Lord sometimes gives us Gifts so that His Plans on earth will be fulfilled through us. Therefore, letโ€™s identify our Gifts and use them effectively to the Glory of God. This is because a manโ€™s gift makes room for him and brings him before great men (Prov 18:16).

However, we cannot talk about Gifts and neglect Character; both go together. Your Gift will take you to the top but itโ€™s your Character that will determine if you continue to be at a top or fall. We all know many Football-Players who were very gifted but couldnโ€™t have a successful career due to their bad Character. Joseph wouldnโ€™t lie with his masterโ€™s wife even if he would be imprisoned (Gen 39:12). The other Governors and Satraps couldnโ€™t find any charge against Daniel and so they had to use His Faith in God to fabricate lies against him (Dan 6:4). These show the Kind of men these two were.

Also, both experienced various forms of trials on their rise to the top and even during their governance. Joseph was sold as slave by his own brothers, falsely accused and imprisoned for refusing to lie with his masterโ€™s wife (Gen 39). Daniel was a captive in Babylon after Nebuchadnezzar besieged Jerusalem, falsely accused and thrown in Lionโ€™s den after he became a Governor (Dan 1, Dan 6). In the same way, we may also experience some trials along the way. Some of these trials may be difficult that in the sight of men, it may seem impossible to come out of it and rise to the top. However, letโ€™s trust in the Lord and His Word knowing that He who has began a good thing in our lives, He will surely bring it to a perfect end (Phil 1:6).

Last but not the least, both went through some season of learning and preparation (Dan 1:4). Therefore, in every Field (Governance, Academics, Science & Technology, Sports, Media etc.) that the Lord places us, letโ€™s take it very seriously. Letโ€™s learn and acquire all the necessary skills required to rise. Some of us whose ministries are on foreign Lands, we have to also learn their language and culture (the good ones). It will be difficult to lead the people and bring them to Christ if we canโ€™t communicate with them.

Beloved in the Lord, God plans to put many Christians at higher places of influence as He did in the times of Joseph and Daniel so we can easily impact His Will, Purpose, and Intent on this earth. We must therefore learn from these great men by using our gifts effectively, maintaining godly character, enduring trials, and learning and excelling in our individual Fields.

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s thank God for His Word today. Letโ€™s ask God to help Believers around the world to identify and effectively use their natural and spiritual Gifts. Letโ€™s also ask Him to strengthen us to endure various forms of trials as we await His Plans to be fulfilled on earth.


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