
Call To Prayer

Title: Meditation

Date: 07.09.2022

By: Daniel Peter


Meditate upon these things; give thyself wholly to them; that thy profiting may appear to all.
1Tim. 4:15 KJV


In my last contribution to the Call to Prayer, I helped us understand that it is God’s will for us to manifest His glory. I also mentioned that meditation is one of the things we need to do to see His glory manifest, and I defined it as “a deep thought over a discovered truth relevant to your destination”. Seeing the importance of meditation, it is beneficiary for us to gain more understanding about it

Scriptures revealed that we have been blessed with all spiritual blessings in Christ Jesus (Eph. 1:3). This means, everything good that we will ever desire has already been provided for us in Christ Jesus, and they become accessible to us by knowledge (1 Peter 1:3). Now, the responsibility of every believer is to do things that God considers acts of faith to bring out, or make manifest, these blessings that are already in us in Christ Jesus (Phil. 2:12). One of those things is meditating on the finished works of Christ.

There are several activities of meditation, with the first being memorization. Memorization is the process of committing something to memory or learning something by heart. As we discover things in God through His word that we desire to manifest, it is wise to commit such to memory. Once it is in you, you can recall it even after your time reading the word, which helps you ponder on them. There are lots of information in the Bible, concentrating on committing specific truth you desire to manifest in the season of life you are in makes the process more effective.

The second activity of meditation I will like to speak on today is visualization. Visualization involves using your imagination to create an image of that which you are meditating on. For example, if you desire healing, the go to verse of scripture is 1Peter 2:24, where it was revealed that “by His stripes we were healed”. Now, in response to this, you need to create a mental image of you being healed; see yourself healed. Now that you have seen yourself healed, start living in the reality of what you have imagined by doing those things you couldn’t do before. This becomes an act of faith that God rewards with the manifestation of the healing you desire.

Memorizing scriptures and seeing (visualizing) the word are good ways to able to manifest promises of scriptures. However, there are other activities of mediation, which I will reveal in my next post.

Prayer Point:

Let’s thank Him for the word today. Let’s ask Him to give us the grace to commit scriptures to memory and He should open our eyes to see the word.


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