Glory || Key 2 – Prayer

Call To Prayer

Topic: Glory || Key 2 – Prayer

Date: 13.09.2022

By: Daniel Peter


I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are oneโ€” John 17:22 NIV


As we must have known by now, it’s God’s will for us to manifest His glory. This is the reason He gave us His glory (John 17:22). The work of the Holy Spirit in the life of a Christian is to see that we conform to His image, which is His glory. But this process is a cooperative one, so we must know and understand our role for it to be fulfilled in us.

All that we need for life and Godliness has been given to us (2Peter 1:3). As we get to know about these things we have been given, then we can manifest them. However, knowledge alone does not bring about the manifestation of those things we have been able to see in Him. Prayer is one of the things we need to do to see His glory manifest. One of the reasons why prayer is important in manifesting His glory is because there is an adversary, the devil, whose goal is to contradict what God has done for us in Christ.

In teaching us how to apply prayer in manifesting His glory, I will use the manifestation of His righteousness as an example, though it applies to other areas too. From scriptures, we have been declared to be the righteousness of God in Christ (2Cor. 5:21), which means we have His nature. Despite this revelation about us, the enemy may still tempt us into sinful acts. To stop the devil’s contradiction to His word, we don’t affirm his lie by saying we are sinners, rather, we affirm our faith in what the Lord has done by thanking Him for making us His righteousness. Thanksgiving is the first prayer activity.

Now that we have thanked God for what He has done for us in Christ, the next activity of prayer is to cast out the spirit of contradicting the truth. In contradicting the truth that we are His righteousness, the devil may send the spirit of pride, fear or lust etc. These spirits try to influence a believer to do things against God’s will. Using the name of Jesus Christ, we cast out these spirits from our lives and environment. The next step is to stop the contradiction. We do so by commanding the contradiction to stop. This is necessary because despite the absence of the spirits of contradiction as we have cast them out, their leaving may not stop the pattern they have created. Commanding the patterns to stop and renewing your mind with the word is the way to handle such.

After stopping the contradiction, we declare our expectation. We do so by declaring what the word has said about us (in this case considered, we are His righteousness). This is an act of faith, and it enables the Holy Spirit to help us conform to the word we are declaring. Finally, we ask God about the situation (inquiring). A revelation from Him about the contradiction we are experiencing is a route to total freedom. The entire process is repeated until that which we desire has manifested.

Prayer Point:

Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s ask Him to help us to pray until we see the change we desire and even after.

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