Activating the Word of God 

Call To Prayer 

Title: Activating the Word of God 

By: Njuacha Hubert 

Date: 19.09.2022 


“Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them.” Mark 11:23 


Brothers and Sisters in the lord. There is power in the word of God and you have been given access to that power. Don’t you know that the world you see was created by the word of God? And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. (Genesis 1: 3). You have access to the power to heal the sick, to sail through any stormy season of your life, to trample upon snakes (for example living among evil neighbours but yet sleeping like a baby), to live above your fleshy desires and submit it under the will of God. However, the word of God needs to be activated. Sleeping with bible under your pillow will not protect you. If you doubt, please continue reading to understand why. The word of God needs to be activated. Until then, it is dormant. I will summarize the process of activating the word of God in two steps which we shall expand on below. 

The first thing is that you have to know the word of God.  “my people perish because of lack of knowledge”. (Hosea 4:6). Imagine how your perspective can change when you hear these words “I said, ‘You are “gods”; you are all sons of the Most High.’ ”(Psalm 82:6). (Take note of my language in the previous sentence “can change”. I didn’t say will change because something more is needed other than knowing). This is the reason why one of the most powerful prayers is praying using the word of God. You don’t just request from God blindly but you ask that He should do as He said in His word. You remind God of His own promises. He is not a man that He should lie (Numbers 23:19). It like when a lawyer goes to court, the major thing he uses is the constitution to defend his or her client. He tries to bring facts from the constitution that defend or support the client.  

The second thing to activate the power of the word of God is BELIEVE. Without believing, the words you read or hear cannot work unless by the special grace of God. In Mathew 13:58, we read that Jesus could not do much in his own home town because of unbelieve. The same Jesus (who is the word incarnate) that multiplied bread for thousands in plain sight and did so many other mighty wonders. But because of unbelief He could do little.  

You don’t wait to see before you believe. You believe it before it is seen and act accordingly. That is what is called faith. When you see something is not going according to what God has promised in scriptures you attack it by professing the word of God over that situation and surrender it to God, then rest and thank God. Even if it has not yet changed immediately in the physical, please don’t stop believing but linger on in faith. Be rest assured it is just a matter of time !. Without Faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6). That is divine adventure we are called to.  


Prayer Point:  

Let’s thank God that we know a little of His word. May God help us to hunger for more knowledge and to BELIEVE it so that it can be activated and to remain in believe so that our joy will be complete when it manifests in the natural. In Jesus powerful name. Amen.


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