Build on the Word

Call To Prayer

Title: Build on the Word

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 22.09.2022


Take care that no one keeps defrauding you of your prize by delighting in humility and the worship of the angels, taking his stand on visions he has seen, inflated without cause by his fleshly mind, and not holding firmly to the head…

Col. 2:18,19 NASB


I will start this with a question, what are you building on? on the rock or sand? This is an important question to answer as the foundation on which you build determines if your house (your life) will stand on the day of trial. There is a permitted evil dayย when God allows rain to fall and the wind to blow to test the nature of the house we are building (Matt. 7:25, 27). Jesus Christ, who is the word, is the foundation we should all build on(1 Cor. 3:11). Anything built outside the word will fall when the wind blows.

We build our lives (spiritual houses) by obeying the word or instructions of Jesus Christ. In His message on the mount, Jesus Christ mentioned that โ€œ… everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock (Matt. 7:24 NIV)โ€. God considers you wise when your life and decisions are directed by the revelation of the word. A wise person has foresight, and plans for the days ahead. You will be well prepared for the good and evil day if you build on the word. However, thereโ€™s a force that tries to take us out of the word. He is the devil. Knowing some of the patterns of God, He attempts to take people off their sure foundation. Being cunning, he will not come in an obvious way but masquerade himself in a manner that resembles God, to deceive people off their foundation, which is Jesus Christ (the word).

For this reason, dreams, visions, and other forms of receiving from the Holy Spirit are not a sure foundation to build on, this is despite God speaking through these means. Our scriptural verse of today speaks of those who take their stand on visions (Col. 2:18). As a result, they became proud and have lost connection with the head (Jesus Christ). This is the fate of many Christians today, who have exalted prophetic experiences over the word of God. The Lord wants this to stop. We should not take our stand on prophetic experiences because the enemy can also speak through those means (1Kings 22:22). Again, even visions from God must be judged properly with the word and understood before acting upon them. God sometimes uses symbols and allegories to portray His point. You will be in error if you take them literally and act upon them. For this reason, we spend time considering all we hear or see to know the mind of God. Accepting the good and rejecting the evil (Isaiah 7:15).

I will end with a story I heard from one of the fathers of the faith some years ago. In a season God intended to exalt him to a new dimension of the miraculous, the enemy gave him a dream that looked so much like the voice of God. However, the information passed was unsettling, indicating he had lost His anointing. The dream looked real, and the voice sounded like the voice of God he knew. However, opening the scriptures, he found Romans 11:29, where it was written โ€œfor Godโ€™s gifts and his call are irrevocableโ€. At this, he rejected the voice of the enemy who was trying to bring fear to Him and affect His confidence in God. Not long after that, the Lord used him in a new dimension of the miraculous and has been increasing in grace ever since.

How many opportunities have we lost because we believed in false dreams? How many friends have we rejected because of what we saw about them in a dream or a vision? God is love. If a dream or a vision is causing you to act in ways contrary to the word, you have lost connection with the head and the Lord is asking you to return.

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s thank God for His word today. Letโ€™s ask Him to help the body of Christ abide in the word.


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