Dismantling Principalities

Call To Prayer

Topic: Dismantling Principalities

Date: 19.10.2022

By: Daniel Peter


Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.ย Luke 10:19 KJV


In addressing the notion that there are certain levels or ranks of the enemy that a Christian cannot engage, yesterday, I helped us to see the extent of the authority we have received and our domain of operation. Today, I will focus on the strategy of dismantling principalities, which are among the ranks of the enemy people believe we cannot engage.

Casting out devils is one of the many signs that follow a believer (Math. 16:17-18), and it was a subject that the Lord taught His disciples. In one of the instances, Jesus’ reply to the question of His disciples suggests that there is more than one type of manifestation of the enemy and there are different strategies for engaging them. He said “However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting (Matt. 17:21)โ€. In this case, He was talking about a demon that attacked an individual, and He mentioned prayer and fasting as a strategy of engagement.ย  However, there are agents of the devil that he sends to communities, nations, andย organisations, that are higher in rank and power.ย  one of these is called principalities.

The word principality is from two words: “Prince” and “Pality”. Prince means ruler, while pality suggests municipal; a district. Therefore, principality means ruler over a district. Despite these rulers are spiritual beings, their rule affect the natural (the laws of the land and the mindset of the people are usually a reflection of the principality ruling over that environment)ย  The strategy for engaging or removing a principality from a land came through one of my mentors I follow from afar. In an encounter, the Lord asked her “if you need prayer and fasting to remove a demon from an individual, what will you need to remove a principality over a nation?” He went on to reveal to her that it will take group prayer and fasting.

One will chase a thousand, two ten thousand (Josh. 23:10). As the rank and power of the enemy we are confronting increases, the power we need to generate in the place of prayer for their displacement needs to increase. The Lord revealed in that encounter that as we gather to pray, the power we generate together rises to the heavens like a large fireball. And this displaces these principalities over nations and organisations.

Prayer Point:

Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s also ask Him to help the body of Christ to see the importance of group prayers for communities, nations, and organisations.

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