Don’t Help God

Call To Prayer

Title: Donโ€™t Help God

By: Wale Lasisi

Date: 20.10.2022


Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. [4] But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing. (James 1:3-4 KJV)


For everyone going on a journey with God, there will be seasons of trials and this waiting period is necessary for God to mould us into the ideal man and woman that He wants. The enemy presents us with several options and opportunities that look genuine and smart to take as an alternative. For instance, he might suggest to you falsify your credentials or age to fit into a job role that you greatly desire while looking for a career breakthrough that you have been praying for. It will look like the logical and smart thing to do but God will not build his plan for your life on a faulty foundation.

In 1 Samuel 13, King Saul was subjected to this waiting period when it was evident that the enemy was going to invade and there was palpable fear in the hearts of the people that they began to look for their own safety. It was no longer sensible humanly speaking to wait for prophet Samuel anymore concerning the sacrifice that must be made but little did he know that he was going through a season of trial to reshape his heart and mold him into a man that is solely dependent on the ability of God to deliver Israel. He failed in that endeavour and that was the beginning of his fall.

God will not be committed to any alternative plan or arrangement that we have made for ourselves in order to โ€œhelp himโ€ achieve that which we desire or that He has spoken concerning us. Rather, the tap of grace from heaven might gradually dry up because we have decided to pursue our own agenda and truncate the waiting period designed to build, purge and mould us into the man and woman that God can trust. Abraham subscribed to this idea and tried to help God but the impact of that decision is still affecting the whole world today.

Always resist the pressure to help God achieve His objective because you think time is gone or it’s getting late. His glory will not be shared by anyone else and as such, we should understand that the patience that comes from the period of waiting is meant to make us perfectly aligned to His will and wanting nothing.


Prayer point:
Letโ€™s thank God for His word and answers to our prayers. Letโ€™s pray for the grace to wait on Him in every season of our lives.

God bless you.


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