Who is Jesus to you?

Call To Prayer

Title: Who is Jesus to you?

By: Simon Maina Nuhu

Date: 28.06.2024


“And he saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am? And Peter answereth and saith unto him, Thou art the Christ”. (Mark 8:29)


Acknowledging the identity of Jesus Christ is the backbone and center of our Faith. We are not Christians indeed if we don’t genuinely define who Jesus is to us according to Heavenly declaration. There are many people who believe in Jesus for many reasons; some see Jesus as a prophet, some see Jesus as the son of Joseph the carpenter, some see Him as the son of the Virgin Mary, some see Him as a miracle worker, some see Him as a healer, some see Him as prosperity specialist, some see Him as a deliverer, some see Him as prince of peace, some see Him as master of the universe, some see Him as a teacher, some proclaim him to be the special one. All these are actually true, Jesus can be linked to all the above confessions.

The truth is, whatever view we perceive Jesus, that will be the pillar of our Faith. It is not wrong to see Jesus as a healer, it is scripturally true that He is our healer (Isaiah 53:5), but the danger is that, seeing Him as only a healer deprives a person of the main identity of Christ. Likewise, seeing Him as a miracle worker alone might drive us to love Him only when we lack physical provisions, thereby rendering our loyal devotion “fleshly”.ย  Recognizing Christ as the son of God is the most valid assertion, nevertheless, if that assertion does not translate to us living like sons and daughters of God (John 1:13), then we are like the Pharisees who claimed to be children of Abraham by promise but not in character. The identity of Christ as the Son of the living God must be in us, our lives should be able to reflect the character and nature of Christ by all means and at all times, otherwise, we might just be like those people seeking Him because of bread (John 6:26).

Beloved, it is with sincere concern that I want us to really focus on the true identity of Christ in our lives. Seeking Him for spiritual provisions earns us the delight of the Father, who wants us to inherit the Kingdom as heirs through the sacrifice of Jesus. Miracles, signs and wonders, and healing are what attract the common man, but as His children, we acknowledge Christ as our saviour and lover of our souls, and most importantly, we live with that.

Prayer point:

Let’s thank God for the word, let’s ask Him to help us live as sons of God.


Repost from: 17.12.2022



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