Believing is Receiving

Call to Prayer

Title: Believing is receiving

By: Owusu Clifford S.

Date: 19/11/2022


Now He did not do many mighty works there because of their unbelief.ย Matthew 13:58


What or whom we believe in and how we believe influences everything we do in this life. I assume we are familiar with the story that precedes the verse for today. Jesus Christ went to his hometown, Nazareth, and after teaching in their synagogue they became offended at the wisdom with which He spoke and the power with which He taught. They saw Him as the son of Mary and Joseph, hence they believed He was just a man, which he was. However, they would not believe there was something more to Him than just His physical appearance. They believed and accepted Him as human (in terms of appearance and familiarity), but they did not believe in the Spirit that was working through Him.

As a result, they could not receive any miracles from Him because Jesus, the man alone, cannot do anything without the Spirit. Jesus did not lack the power and ability to do signs and wonders, but because they believed wrongly, they could not receive anything from Him. Many Christians today believe wrongly, and due to that, they have not received much from God. They perceive God as the angry man up there who is ready to strike them dead for their sins, to the neglect of His amazing grace which has come freely through Jesus Christ. Moreover, some also believe certain things are cannot happen even if they pray because prayer cannot solve that. However, prayer solves every problem and if you believe praying to God can solve it, it will happen according to your faith.

Many in the church have accepted Jesus as their Lord and saviour, yet they see themselves as sinners. Though God hates your sins, He does not hate you. He is not that angry man whose work is to strike people dead for their sins. He is that loving father with his arms wide open ready to receive and accept anyone who runs to Him and cleanse them from all their unrighteousness. Beloved, it takes faith to please God. Hence, believe right, and you will receive right.

Prayer Point:

Father God, I thank you for your word and the answers to my prayers. Dear Lord, help my me to believe right so that I can receive the good things you have prepare for me.


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