Are you insured?

Call To Prayer

Title: Are you Insured?

By: Wale Lasisi

Date: 24.11.2022


But this is a people robbed and spoiled; they are all of them snared in holes, and they are hid in prison houses: they are for a prey, and none delivereth; for a spoil, and none saith, Restore.ย (Isaiah 42:22 KJV)


The major philosophy behind insurance companies as risk managers is to manage losses with their customers in a way that it has little or no impact on them when the unexpected happens. Most times when these losses eventually happen, they restore that which you have lost through a payout. However, the condition for eligibility is to ensure you keep paying your insurance premium and that gives you a cover for the uneventuality.

As believers, we became insured by the blood when the Lord Jesus died on the cross and despised the shame(Rev. 5:12). However, we are required to pay our insurance premium to sustain it by living a life of obedience to God in accordance to the dictates of the Holy Spirit which dwells in us. By doing this, we sacrifice our lives on the altar and are dead to self but alive to the Spirit of the living God.

There is an allocation for restoration which is a reserve in the heavenlies but only accessible to eligible believers who come to draw. Deliverance and restoration must go hand in hand and as such, there must be a restoration of whatever had been lost.

Although this divine insurance is most potent against loss of any kind be it loss of possession, glory, sickness, or death, the Lord is still committed if it does happen which is why it is buttressed by Prophet Joel that even lost years will be restored (Joel 2:25).

The Shunammite woman came to โ€œprayโ€ to the king for the restoration of all she had lost when she traveled abroad to avoid the famine that ravaged the land and her request was graciously granted with additions (2Kings 8:3-6). In the same vein, the King of kings is still waiting for you to come and ask for your restoration in prayers but the big question is; Are you fulfilling your eligibility requirements for this divine insurance by living a life of obedience and sacrifice?


Prayer point:
Letโ€™s thank God for today. Let us ask the Lord to restore whatever gifts and endowments we may have lost over the years and also give us the grace to live a life of obedience and sacrifice.


God bless you!


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