Divine Acceleration – Part 2


By: Stephen Osei Kuffour

Date: 04.12.2022

Title: Divine Acceleration – Part 2


Then the hand of the Lord came upon Elijah; and he girded up his loins and ran ahead of Ahab to the entrance of Jezreel.

(1 Kings 18:46 NKJV)


In last week’s Call to Prayer, I began sharing on the Topic, “Divine Acceleration” which means, the Lord initiating Acceleration in various areas in the life of a Believer. We learnt that, just as one steps harder on the rightmost Pedal (Accelerator) when driving a car in order to go faster, in “Divine Acceleration,” God is the one who initiates the process.

This is achieved when the mighty hand which represents His Power comes upon you, and it makes the impossibility become possible in God’s own time. We saw this in the life of Elijah, Abraham and Sarah, and the woman with the issue of blood. I would like to continue this topic and give some examples in the Bible where “Divine Acceleration” manifested.

There was a time when a severe famine occurred in the Land where Isaac was living (Gerar). As a result of this, he decided to leave that place and move to Egypt. However, the Lord appeared to Isaac and told him to remain in the Land and not move to Egypt. He obeyed the Lord, stayed, and sowed on that barren Land, and reaped bountifully within the same year (Gen 26). Some of the Crops would have normally taken about a year to reach harvest but when the hand of God is at work, it defies the laws of Science or Photosynthesis.

I would like us to consider the encounter between Elijah and king Ahab carefully (1 Kgs 18). My question is why didn’t the hand of God come upon King Ahab although he was at the same place where Elijah was? This is because Ahab was an evil King who had rejected the Lord to worship Idols. Elijah on the other hand was a true man of God who had a good relationship with God.

This should tell us that the hand of God doesn’t come upon everyone automatically. The Lord knows His people and his mighty hand only comes upon those who are faithful and obedient to Him (Ps 37:23). Let’s, therefore, build a good relationship with the Lord and take our Prayers and studying of the Word seriously.

Beloved in the Lord, the mighty hand of God comes to initiate “Divine Acceleration” in the lives of Believers. However, this mighty hand doesn’t come upon everyone, but it only comes upon those who have a good relationship with the Lord.

Prayer Point:

Let’s thank God for His Word today. Let’s ask the Lord to accelerate every area in the lives of all Believers. Let’s also ask him to help all Believers to build a good relationship with Him.

God bless you all



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