Contending for the faith

Call To Prayer

Title: Contending for the faith

By: Wale Lasisi

Date: 26.01.2023


Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.( Jude 1:3 KJV)


In a bid to be innovative, the gospel of Christ has sometimes been overshadowed by motivational talks and clichรฉs which have the capacity to divert the hearer away from the subject of Christ and the kingdom towards less weighty matters which should be an addition to kingdom stewardship. Our Lord Jesus himself was not a motivational preacher but of the truth concerning the kingdom.

We have been called to contend for the faith that was once delivered to the saints, receive and pass it down to the next generation. We must therefore come to the understanding of the kind of faith that was produced in the lives of the saints of old like Noah, Abraham, and David to mention a few, as a result of their dealings with God. This is meant to be contended for to become our heritage.

For instance, when Noah heard Godโ€™s instruction to build an ark for the preservation of his household and all the various animals from the flood(Gen. 6:14), a dimension of faith entered into him that made him believe God so strongly even though such an event had never happened on earth before. All the animals including birds came to him without a map or someone guiding them(Gen. 6:20).

More importantly, it was the first time after the fall that all animals stayed together without hurting each other including Noahโ€™s household. The lion saw the gazelle and looked away. It was this dimension of faith that became operational in Danielโ€™s life when he was thrown into the lionโ€™s den and they could not hurt him(Dan. 6:22). Noah pioneered it but it became Danielโ€™s heritage.

The faith produced from the dealings of God upon the lives of the saints is not just to be wished for but to be contended for so we can enter into the same realities they lived in, then we can pass it to the coming generations like our fathers have passed to us the faith dimensions they lived in.


Prayer point:
Let us thank God for the word today. Let us pray the grace to adequately contend to enter into the faith dimensions the saints manifested in their walk with God.


God bless you!



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