The Fear of Isaac

Call To Prayer

Title: The Fear of Isaac

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 28.01.2023


Except the God of my father, the God of Abraham, and the fear of Isaac, had been with me, surely thou hadst sent me away now empty. God hath seen mine affliction and the labour of my hands, and rebuked thee yesternight.ย Genesis 31:42 KJV


Human communication is achieved using diverse ways, two of which are verbal and non-verbal communication. Vibal communication involves you speaking to others, while non-verbal communication involves other forms like gestures and actions. Many times, non-verbal communication can be louder than verbal communication as it passed your point better to the listeners. In the passing of knowledge of God to others, the most effective method is not just us speaking, but acting out the word. For our practice of the word we preach is a better communicator of the truth to our hearers.

To understand this, let’s consider Abraham’s relationship with God. One of the things God saw in Abraham, that made him speak assuredly of his promises being fulfilled in his life, was that Abraham will command/teach his children His ways (Gen. 18: 16-19). There was nowhere in the scriptures did we see Abraham teach, by speaking, God’s laws and instructions to his children. However, we saw how Abraham obeyed God’s instruction to sacrifice his son Isaac (Gen. 22: 1-19). After His obedience, Abraham’s fear of God was approved (Gen. 22:12), not just before the Angel that carried out the test, but also before Isaac who saw and observed his obedience intimately.

Jacob, the son of Isaac, after narrating his faithfulness in his service to Leban, referred to God as the Fear of Isaac (Gen 31:42). Not only did Abraham pass the fear of the Lord to Isaac by His obedience (the practice of the word), Isaac became the voice of that word by which Jacob discerned God’s name as the Fear of Isaac.

Is the way you live consistent with what you preach? The most effective communicators of the truth are not the most eloquent speakers, but those who practice what they teach.

Prayer Point

Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s ask Him to help us all to practice His word.



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