The Influence of The King on Earth

Call to Prayer

Title: The Influence of The King on Earth

Date: 07.02.2023

By: Daniel Peter


โ€œA new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.

John 13:34 KJV


The concept of kingdom and rulership is one that has been corrupted by the marred versions we’ve had on earth. From the oppressive rule, the lording of their subjects, and the endless records of evil committed by the kings of the earth, our perception of the kingdom of God and our king and Lord Jesus Christ might have been affected. It’s good that this is corrected because our perception of Him affects our experience.

The effect of having a marred view of our King was what was highlighted in the parable of the talents record in Matt. 25:14-30. The view the unproductive servant had of the Lord was that “He was hard and demanding and He sought gain where he made no investment “(Matt 25:24). This mindset caused him to be scared and made him not invest the talent he was given. Is it possible that those who are lacking in their service to God have a wrong view (image) of God? If we see that, God calling us to serve and to walk in love is to put us in a position to receive His blessings like the servants who invested their talents, it will help us to be joyful and productive in our services to Him.

To make us see rightly, we need to understand that God demonstrated His nature of love by choosing influence rather than control in His call for man, giving us an opportunity to choose. Influence is the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something in an indirect way. For example, before The Lord instructed us to love, he first demonstrated that love towards us by dying on the cross of Calvary. By His love expressed, we are inspired to emulate the same to those around us. Therefore, His actions toward us inspire us to do the same to others.

There’s nothing God is demanding from us that He has not demonstrated towards us, and the gain He seeks is not what we have but us (2Cor. 12:14). As the knowledge of the true nature and character of our King and Lord spread around the earth, His influence will inspire people everywhere to act in line with the principles of the kingdom.

Prayer Point:

Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s ask Him to help us see Him rightly.



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