Don’t Faint

Call To Prayer

Title: Don’t faint

By: Wale Lasisi

Date: 02.03.2023


And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint;( Luke 18:1 KJV)


I once volunteered to participate in an athletics competition and the category I chose was the 400m hurdles race. Before then, I had never jumped over a hurdle while running but for some reason, I was confident I was the man for the task. Fast forward to the day of the event, as soon as we set off, I was in the lead and as I jumped over each hurdle, it felt strange because it slowed down my momentum and it was also more energy-consuming. By the time I was getting close to the 300m mark, my energy level had dropped seriously and other contestants started catching up with me. I ended up in the fourth place without a price.

Spiritual exercises and endeavors are to be trained for to profit maximally from. Just like the body, strength, and conditioning must be built in by continuous incremental exercise which is aimed at stretching or enlarging the capacity that the body can achieve on an ordinary day. The adventure of prayer requires consistent exercise whether we feel like it or not and by gradually increasing our prayer times, we build up strength in the Spirit (Jude 1:20).

When the Lord sent out the disciples to evangelise and heal the sick (Luke 9:2), it was a training phase aimed at building strength because a time was coming when the master will no longer be with them. That time did come but fortunately for them, a lot of them had built considerable strength to heal the sick like we saw Peter and John at the beautiful gate(Acts 3:6-9). That miracle became a tool of evangelism on its own.

In our scriptural reference today, one of the reasons why Jesus does not expect men to faint is because praying always is designed to build up strength in them spiritually and whoever is not taking this prescription is susceptible to faint on the day of battle( Pro. 24:10). It is, therefore, necessary to consciously build strength by the help of the Holy ghost for our spiritual and earthly journeys.


Prayer point.
Let’s pray for grace and discipline to give ourselves to continuous training in spiritual things.

God bless you!



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