Honourable Persona

Call to Prayer

Title: Honourable Persona

Name: Daniel Peter

Date: 01.04.2023


…. for them that honour me I will honour, and they that despise me shall be lightly esteemed.ย 1 Samuel 2:30


A persona is the image or personality that a person presents in public or in a specific setting. It is the image of one’s personality; the way one is perceived. This is an important factor because how we are perceived determines the way people react to us. Though many people try to influence how they are perceived, God is the one that determines the way people view us by the measure of honour that He gives to us.

Honour is like spiritual clothing (Job 40:10), and when properly clothed in the spirit, the perception of people about you will be positive and you will attract honour from them. The opposite is also true, for shame is also a spiritual clothing (Psalm 109:29), and it is possible for one to be naked in the spirit (Rev. 3:17). The type of clothes we wear in the spirit is determined by the season of life you are in and the level of honour you show towards God. For example, Joseph was viewed as a fornicator and a wicked person when Portiphers wife took his garment and accused him falsely (Gen. 39: 16-17). Joseph had no option but to live with the Persona of a fornicator because he was being tried, though it was for a season.

Again, God’s statement to Eli when he was judging him is one that is worthy of note. He said “for them that honour me I will honour, and they that despise me shall be lightly esteemed (1 Samuel 2:30)”. This means that “the level of honour you show to God determines the measure of honour He gives to you”. And this honour reflects in the nature of clothing He clothes you with, in the spirit. With these known, knowing how to honour God goes a long way in determining how we are perceived. We honour God by putting him first and being obedient to His word. When we humble ourselves to submit to His will, we are showing honour to Him.

Again, giving sacrificially to Him and His course is a demonstration of our honour of Him. Furthermore, the way we honour others reveals our honour of Him, for if you can’t honour the one you see, how can you say you honour Him you do not see? Finally, we receive honour from Him when we seek to understand His word (Prov. 25.2).

Prayer Point:

Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s ask Him to help us to be patient during trials and He should give us grace to honour Him as He deserves.


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