Tuning in to God

Call To Prayer

Title: Tuning in to God

Name: Daniel Peter

Date: 08.04.2023


But if I go to the east, he is not there; if I go to the west, I do not find him. When he is at work in the north, I do not see him; when he turns to the south, I catch no glimpse of him.ย Job 23: 8-9 NIV


Despite God being everywhere, He only makes Himself known in certain places. For this reason, we seek Him. God wants us to come to the point where we are always discerning of His voice and presence, but there is a way to it.

The spirit realm is a crowded place, meaning, God and and His angels are not the only spirits there. In discerning the voice of God, we have to be sure we are tuned in to God’s channel. Yes, hearing the voice of God can be compared to tuning an analog Television or Radio. If you have tuned a TV or radio before, you will see that not every frequency gives the desired sound or visual, but there is a particular frequency that does. The following are things we do to ensure we are rightly tuned to God’s frequency. The first thing you do is to believe God speaks and that you hear from Him ( John 10: 27-28). You can’t expect to hear God if you do not believe He speaks and that you hear from Him. Every Christian who believes Jesus Christ is a sheep of Christ, meaning we have the ability to hear His voice and follow Him. You must believe this for it to be a reality. Thank God for this today.

Another thing we do for us to be rightly tuned in to God’s frequency is that we stand on the word (we set our foundation on the word). When Moses requested to see the glory of God, God’s response to him was “There is a place near me where you may stand on a rock (Exo. 33:21)”. The rock symbolises Jesus Christ, who is the word of God. When we have our foundation on the word, we can judge accurately what we see and hear in the spirit and understand their meaning. Again, after we have set our foundation on the word, we have to be in constant awareness of His presence and in expectation to hear Him speak. If you are not conscious of God and in a readiness to hear Him, you will not be able to recognise His voice. This was the situation of the young Samuel in 1 Samuel 3.

To increase your consciousness of Him, you have to set times to intimate with Him all through the day (both indoors and outdoors) and have a writing material to jot down the impressions that He gives to you. Finally, asking Him specific questions and waiting until He replies triggers Him to speak. For it is said “God doesn’t speak much, but only answers much”.

Prayer Point

Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s also ask Him to help increase our sensitivity to His voice.


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