I Went to Heaven


Recently, the Lord granted me an experience in heaven and caused me to see His glory in a unique way that revealed His word for the Church at this time. The experience I had was similar to that of Zachariah when he saw the word of God to Zerubbabel as narrated in Zachariah 4:1-7. God intended to help me see people as He sees them, so I can love them as He loves them.

The Lord started preparing me for this specific encounter when He asked me to pray that He should open my eyes to see His glory when I sought Him convening an issue. After saying this prayer for a while, I discerned His voice asking me to do something that wasnโ€™t comfortable. Though I struggled for a while, He helped me to obey Him. As I went to bed that night, I sensed an overwhelming urge from Him to speak in tongues. As I did, I fell asleep and I had a dream, where I saw myself and a young boy on my left side ascending to heaven. Though this was a dream, I was active, and it was as though I was aware of what we were experiencing. At the time I became aware of the experience, we were already in the second heavens. As revealed in the Bible, heaven has multiple layers. The first heaven is the atmosphere below our sky, and the second heaven is outside the planet Earth where we have the sun, the moon and the stars. The third heaven is Godโ€™s throne, which was where Apostle Paul visited as written in 2 Corinthians 12:2.

As we continued ascending upwards to the second heaven, I heard myself saying with excitement that โ€œwe (Christians) do not depend on our righteousness, but we take our rest in God (paraphrasing)โ€. The movement upwards continued, and as we moved, we encountered several satanic blockages, more like roadblocks. Scriptures revealed that the second heaven is the abode of some satanic princes (rulers of darkness), similar to those that kept Angel Gabriel from coming to Prophet Daniel in Babylon until He was assisted by Angel Michael (See Daniel 10:13). Initially, we struggled through each satanic blockages, and this brought to mind the statement โ€œNew levels new devilsโ€. Seeing what we were experiencing as we moved upward, I knew that the statement was true. However, as soon as I accepted that truth, we ascended with speed and passed all the other blockages in the second heaven without any struggle. In a way I canโ€™t explain, I was made to know that the reason we started ascending upward with speed and without hindrance was that I accepted the truth that every new height (level) comes with new challenges (devils).

Finally, we arrived at the beginning of the third heaven (more like a transit between the 2nd and the 3rd heavens). I and the young boy at my left were taken through a place that looks like a factory, and we were hanging on what looked like machines. We were like products being processed. Being a Process Engineer by training, I believe the Lord made me see it this way because I can connect the processing of goods with the process God takes us through for us to be like Him. As we were carried along by what looked like machines, it was as though we were going to be killed. However, I told the younger person beside me that we should just trust in God. Thereafter, the scene changed to us standing before a house in the third heaven. As Jesus said, there are many mansions in the Fatherโ€™s house, and we all have a place being prepared for us (John 14:2-6). As I looked towards the house, I saw one coming towards us. Initially, he looked like one limping. As I saw him, I had a strong desire to pray for his healing. However, as he came close, I realize he wasnโ€™t limping, but the Lord made me see him that way for me to recognize him as Israel (Jacob). We know that Jacob was left limping after he fought with an Angel as recorded in Genesis 32:22-31.

We got into the house and I saw some people. One I know was Angel Gabriel was speaking to me. He appeared in a way that reminded me of an instruction I received some years ago, and he made me understand that I have taken so long to obey. Again, I was told that this was the second time we were summoned, and he (Angel Gabriel) acted in a way that suggested that I disobeyed an instruction the first time we were summoned. Then the scene changed to us being in a dining room and Angel Gabriel and some others I did not know were seated. The Lord was standing behind Angel Gabriel (Though I only saw the helm of His garment, I knew He was the one there). The others were eating, but I and Angel Gabriel were not eating. Suddenly, I saw opposite where I was sitting darkness (or a dark cloud) taking the shape of a man, then it became a person: A young-looking black boy. He was like a regular African that had a small stature. Supernaturally, I knew this was Samson I was seeing, and I wondered how one with a small stature was able to do mighty acts as those recorded in the scriptures. Again, I was surprised to see that he was black. One sitting adjacent to Samson (By his right) and one on my left started accusing Samson of being uneducated. What I understood by the meaning of education was the spiritual training the Lord takes us through for also to be able to walk with him. The word disciple means a pupil or a student. This person was speaking ill of Samson and the Lord. This experience reminded me of what was recorded in Zachariah 3:1: โ€œThen he showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the LORD, and Satan standing at his right side to accuse himโ€.

As this person was accusing Samson and the Lord, everyone else was silent, and those who were eating were eating. My attention was on Samson, as I was baffled by his child-like attitude and lowly heart expressed. His response to the person speaking was โ€œSo, education is important?โ€. As I kept looking at his attitude, and manners, the more I saw similarities between him and the first lady I was in a relationship with. In the end, I tried eating but couldnโ€™t, then I woke up.

While awake, the word โ€œdonโ€™t judge by appearance but by actionsโ€ resounded in my spirit. By his appearance, Samson did not look like one with much strength, but he was the one with the most physical strength among all the characters in the Bible. About the lady he reminded me of, she was one of the most gifted person in the prophetic I have ever met, and she is highly Anointed. During the time we dated, I tried to order our relationship according to the pattern of scriptures, but she wasnโ€™t submitted to the word of God. She left in a very loud manner that caused me great pain, but God helped me by giving me His view of the situation and to love her (as a fellow Christian) despite her actions (Though I also made mistakes). Samson was one who had a great gift, but because he did not submit himself to the word, he died after being betrayed by a lady he was not supposed to be with as an Israelite. For many days I pondered on the encounter and I understood that the Lord brought a remembrance of her as I looked on Samson for me to know that her actions were because she wasn’t educated (discipled). As I pondered on the encounter, an Angel of the Lord appeared to me and told me that God wants me to gather people to pray for her

Among the many lessons I learnt in this encounter was that seeing people for who they are in the Spirit will impart grace to love them despite their shortcomings in the flesh. Again, I also saw the importance of submitting to the word, for this is the only way we can be discipled (educated) in the kingdom.

Written by: Daniel Peter

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One response to “I Went to Heaven”

  1. Stanley Akpeji avatar
    Stanley Akpeji

    This Vision stirred me up to see people the way God sees them.

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