Hold fast

Call to Prayer

Title: Hold fast

By: Simon Nuhu Maina

Date: 01.05.2023


but test them all;ย hold on to what is good,ย ย reject every kind of evil.ย 1 Thessalonians 5:21-22.


The word of the Lord consistently enables us to explore different dimensions of God’s power, riches through Christ Jesus, grace, and knowledge. It is a common understanding to the believers that the world is fast wrapping up toward the day of the Lord. Through the power of prophecy, Apostles and early Christians have informed us about the end-time signs. Apostle Paul was forewarning his son in the Lord, Timothy, to beware of the perilous times. Indeed, that forewarning was not only to Timothy even in his time, but a general cautious information about the happenings in the end time (2 Timothy 3:1-9).

Apostle Paul through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit was encouraging all believers to hold fast to that which is good and eschew every kind of evil. Among the many manifestations of the end times is the false doctrines.ย  False teachers with all kinds of heresies will arise, thereby deceiving many. Because the people are lovers of earthly materials, they shall fall to the snare of the seducing spirits and doctrines of the devil. Our God is faithful that He does not keep us in ignorance of the devices of Satan.

Jesus Christ in the book of Revelations charges us to hold fast to that which we have so that no man takes our crown. (Revelation 3:11). For Christ to repeatedly warn us from the four gospel books to revelation, it, therefore, speaks of utmost seriousness. Dear brother, dear sister, that which you have, the truth of the word, salvation, anointing, gift of the Holy spirit, souls under your care, faithfulness to His service: hold fast!

Prayer point:

Let’s thank God for the message of the Lord, and let’s also ask Him to help us hold firmly that which we have until His glorious appearing


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