Reclaiming the Land 

Call to Prayer

Title: Reclaiming the Land

Date: 29.04.2023

By: Daniel Peter


For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of [a]the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly place Ephesians 6:12 KJV


Our salvation is a drafting into the military unit of the kingdom of God. We are all part of God’s force on earth and the mission is to reclaim the land that Adam forfeited to the devil. Sadly, not many Christians are aware of this reality, and they find themselves being a tool used by the enemy against God’s kingdom despite they profess themselves as Christians.

After the fall of Adam, the kingdoms of this world were delivered to the enemy. As a result, these entities control what manifest within the kingdom in the natural by their influence in the spirit. They act as principalities over the region and influences decisions made by men in the natural. Demonic beings as rulers over kingdoms not submitted to God was revealed in the writings of Prophet Daniel. In his book, we saw how the Prince of Persia tried to prevent Angel Gebriel from accessing Babylon (Daniel 10:13). As Prophet Daniel persisted in prayer, the victory was gained in the spirit by the Angelic forces of God, for more personnel were sent to assist Angel Gabriel in the battle.

Now, despite the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, there’s still some warfare to do. For by His work at the cross, we have the legal basis to reclaim the nations from these princes of darkness. However, these beings are rebellious to God, and won’t leave except being cast out. As Prophet Daniel modelled, when we as God’s military command on earth persist in prayer, the Angels of God are empowered to remove these princes of darkness that tend to keep nations, organisations and individuals in bondage. The change of guards will result to the Church gaining dominion on earth.

When our laws are in line with the constitution of the kingdom (the Bible), then Christ is enthroned king over the land. This implies that, after gaining the victory in the spirit, we have to rise to take leadership position in the natural and influence the laws of the land to be consistent with Kingdom principles. Prophet Daniel was not just a prayer warrior, he was also a government official.

So, as we persist in prayer, speaking words that are consistent with the faith, and take actions to see that the laws of the land are consistent with scripture, then the land is reclaimed by us.

Prayer Point:

Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s ask Him to help us persevere in the place of prayer.


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