Seeing Jesus

Call to Prayer

Title: Seeing Jesus

Date: 13.05.2023

By: Daniel Peter


โ€œFather, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world.
John 17:24 NIV


The goal of salvation is that we will all become sons of God. For our faith in Jesus Christ gives us access to the Holy Spirit, and as we yield to Him, we manifest as Sons. Being the first begotten, the extent to which we are like Jesus Christ is a testament of how much we have worked out the salvation we have received.

Being like Jesus is a function of our ability to see Him, for we are transformed into His image from glory to glory as we behold Him (2Cor. 3:18).ย  Therefore, seeing Him is an important part of our walk with Him. For us to see Jesus Christ, there’s a location we must be, for He said in His prayer to the Father “…I will that they also, whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am; that they may behold my glory… (John 17:24 KJV)”. From His statement, the location we should be for us to see His glory is where He is. Now, where is Jesus? Obviously, He is with the Father, and the Father is in heaven. So the real question should be, where is heaven?

To simply put it, heaven is a place of God’s consciousness; whenever we are conscious of God, we have entered heaven. While Jesus Christ was on earth, He was also in heaven the whole time. This is the reason He saidย “… even the Son of man which is in heaven (John 3:13)”, as though being in heaven was a present reality as He spoke. Jesus was able to live in heaven despite being on earth because He was conscious of the Father at all times. This consciousness of Him leads to fellowship with Him. And as we fellowship with Him, He opens our eyes to see Jesus Christ. He doesn’t do this just by giving us visions and granting understanding of scriptures, but also by helping us to see Jesus in the people around us and in things in the natural.

The more we intimate with Him as one who is present with us, the more grace we receive to see His glory. And seeing His glory is how we become like Him.

Prayer Pointย 

Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s ask Him to help us to be conscious of Him at all times, and He should grant us the grace to see Him.


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