The Difference

Call To Prayer

Title: The Difference

By: Njuacha Hubert

Date: 26.05.2023


And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you. 1 Peter 5:10


Have you ever had a friend or acquaintance that mocks at you casually because you are living a strict christian life and it seems like He or she is happily living in sin? And you begin to ask yourself; “why does it seem like am suffering and He or she is apparently happier”. First of all, appearance can be very deceptive. The fact that some one is smiling and laughing in public or looking good does not necessarily mean he or she is filled with fulfillment and peace. The truth of the matter is, both Christians and non Christians are suffering. What then is the difference?

In general, the believer suffers before enjoying meanwhile the unbeliever enjoys before suffering. The wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23). It means no matter how enjoyable the sin is at the moment, what waits for you at the end is suffering. Meanwhile the one who is learning self control is suffering because the flesh desires what his conscience opposes. This contention is a suffering that one has to endure until it become relatively easier; once the muscles of self control have been developed.ย  Take for instance the one who practices a liberal sexual life before marriage. After marriage, the old habit still persists and leads to disgraceful adultery and heartbreaking divorce and other undesirable outcomes. In sin, you always pay far more than you bargained for.

The believer suffers with purpose, with hope, but the unbelievers suffers with regret, with shame. In fact, the suffering of the unbeliever is still an act of mercy from God because it compels him or her to want to return or seek the Father just like the prodigal son; after all the worst case scenario is to die in sin. While you are suffering for Christ’s sake, like persecution or self denial from human cravings, you can find comfort in the word; that your reward will be great because after death in Christ( not always physical death but also self denial) what we get is glory. Start checking from Genesis; all the men of God you know, from Abraham to Joseph, to our very Lord and savior Jesus Christ. They all passed through suffering before experiencing the glory. Jesus Christ and along with His Apostles continued to make this message unambiguously clear in their teachings; you will suffer! but hold on, you shall see the glory. (Mathew 16:24,ย  Romans 8:17).

Brothers and Sisters please be encourage in the Christ; we all suffer but there is a difference. Choose your own suffering: to suffer with hope, with purpose, for glory OR to suffer with regret, with shame and for repentance.


Prayer Point:ย 

Let’s thank God for this word. Let’s pray for the grace to carry our crosses daily with joy trusting in His faithfulness.


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