Why Should I Pray?


By: Stephen Osei Kuffour

Date: 28.05.2023

Title: Why Should I Pray?


So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one. (Ezekiel 22:30 NKJV)


As Christians, the word of God encourages us to pray all the time (1 Thess 5:17, Luke 18:1). We are supposed to pray with all forms of prayer for ourselves and make intercessions for our friends, family, Church, and the Nations (1 Tim 2:1-4). However, it seems most Believers donโ€™t really understand why they are supposed to pray. This explains why the Church is prayerless and why most Believers donโ€™t even make time for regular Prayer-Meetings.

There is also this famous question that if God already knows what we need, why must we even bother to pray (Matt 6:32)? I believe the answer to this question will give all Believers the understanding on our need to pray so we can pray more. To be able to answer this question, we need to understand who God is: He is a Spirit and resides in Heaven (John 4:24, Matt 6:9). Man is also a Spirit and has a Soul which lives in a Body. Man resides on Earth.

It is important to know that when the Lord created the Earth, He established that only Beings with Bodies are qualified to live on Earth. Thatโ€™s why when man sinned the Lord wanted to bring us deliverance, He needed a Body to be on Earth. The Holy Spirit formed Jesus Christ in the Womb of Mary and He came out as Flesh to be able to live on Earth (Luke 1:35, John 1.14). It also explains why demons who are disembodied spirits also need a Body so they can operate on Earth (Mark 5, Matt 12:43-45). It is so beautiful to know that the Lord loves man so much to the extent that He actually created the Earth for him (Gen 1:26).

Also, when the Lord created the Earth, He gave the jurisdiction over the Earth to man (Gen 1:26). Man lost his Authority over the Earth to the devil in the Garden of Eden when he sinned (Matt 4:9). However, this Authority has been restored to Believers through Jesus Christ (Matt 28:18). The Lord also gave us our Will when He made us, and thatโ€™s why we can even choose to go against His Will. The Lord is Holy and so pure, and true to His word. He is a true King who cannot go against His Word and cannot also take it back. He also responds swiftly and powerfully to His Word (Matt 24:35, Is 55:10-11).

The Lord has great Plans and Purpose for this Earth. However, for His Will to be established on Earth, He needs men who are ready to submit to His Will (Rom 8:19). He needs men who are ready to give Him permission to interfere in our affairs on Earth through prayer. For example, the Lord is always willing to show Mercy but if no one intercedes, as a true King, He has to stick to His word and bring Judgement. He is always looking for a man to use (Ezek 22:30). Are you ready to be that man?

Beloved in the Lord, if we donโ€™t pray and submit to the Will of God, nothing will change on Earth. The evil one will keep on controlling the affairs on Earth. It is now time to use prayer to destroy the works of the evil one. It is now time to pray for the Will of God to be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. It is now time to build a glorious relationship with the Lord through prayer.

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s thank God for His Word today. Letโ€™s ask the Lord to give all Believers the Love and desire to pray all the time. Letโ€™s also pray for the Will of God to be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.

God bless you allย 


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