Residents of Heaven 

Call to Prayer

Title: Residents of Heaven

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 30.05.2023


And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, Ephesians 2:6 NIV


Man as the apex of God’s creation is a concept that can be easily understood when we consider the multifaceted nature of our being. From what is known, we are the only creature that has the legal right to exists in heaven and earth at the same time; though by our bodies we are in the physical world, by our spirit we are seated with Christ in the heavenly realms.

I was introduced to the experience of this reality some years ago, when the Lord transitioned me to His throne room during prayer; one moment I was in my room praying, and the next moment I was before the throne of God receiving the answers to my inquiries, as though His throne was in my room. God’s intention for mankind is that we live from heaven, though physically we are on earth. This was how Jesus lived, for He referred to himself as being in heaven the very moment he was speaking to the people on earth (John 3:13).

Have you ever wondered how the man who related with John as an Angel in Revelation 22:8-9 got there? Some years ago, I was praying with a lady, who was seer Prophet. As we prayed, she was caught up in the spirit, and an angel took her on a journey to New Jerusalem. From what she described, it was a long trip in the spirit there. When they arrived New Jerusalem in heaven, she saw me there: I was on earth praying with her and in heaven at the same time. She was very surprised.

I have shared the above testimony to help you see the reality that we are residents of heaven despite being on earth. This why Jesus Christ said “They (Christians) are not of the world, even as I am not of it (John 17:16)”. However, to live as a resident of heaven experientially, you have to be conscious of God at all times and intimate with Him as one present. As you do this continuously, that realm becomes tangible to you.

Who knows who you will encounter next? David or Angel Michael? Don’t be surprised when you see how long Elisha’s beard is (don’t tell him I told you, he is still bald-headed).

Prayer Point;

Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s ask Him to help us to be conscious of Him at all times and to relate with Him as one present.


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