Prayer and Thanksgiving

Call To Prayer

Title: Prayer and Thanksgiving

By: Njuacha Hubert

Date: 16.06.2023


Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; 7 and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-8


Worry or anxiety is something that should be far from the believer. It should be foreign or strange to him or her. Something he or she can’t relate with. To him he should be like “What is that? I don’t know it”. That’s because we have a remedy for it. That is prayer and thanksgiving.!

Jesus’s coming and dying has shown us an even greater revelation of the love of God. He has brought us into a more intimate relationship with God that we now call Him father. He is not a distant God but is nearer than your shadow. In fact He dwells in you.

What’s the point having a father if you can’t ask him for things? In fact it might be offensive having a child that never asks for anything because a father gains fulfillment in providing for his children. In the same way God expects us to ask in prayers (Mathew 7:9-11). But coming back to the example of our human father’s, surely as much as the father is happy to provide, having an ungrateful child is not at all encouraging. That’s why prayer must go along with thanksgiving.

Some of us we pray and when it is answered we forget. Just like the Israelite were praying to be delivered from Egypt and when they got out and were on their way to the promised land they seemed to quickly forget all the good things God had done judging from their complaints and actions. Gosh ! has God not taken you far from where you used to be? The health you have, the food you see, all these blessings are calling out for a thanks from your lips. Not to mention the best of all; Salvation you have received, your eternity insurance(Luke 10:20). We also thank God while asking because we believe we will receive it unless the father has something better to give. In fact after asking in faith one time, it is better subsequently to thank God by faith that you have received it.

By asking and thanking,ย  you create in you that atmosphere of trust and confidence that breads peace in your heart and strength to carry on today with enthusiasm.


Prayer Point:ย 

Let’s cast all our worries and desires upon our father, and thank Him for what He has done and what He will do.


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