Arise O Mighty Man of Valor


By: Stephen Osei Kuffour

Date: 18.06.2023

Title: Arise O Mighty Man of Valor


And the Angel of the Lord appeared to him, and said to him, โ€œThe Lord is with you, you mighty man of valor!โ€ (Judges 6:12 NKJV)


We are living in evil and dangerous times. There is so much hate, envy, jealousy, pride, and disobedience in this world which have resulted to increase in murder, wars, and many ungodly acts. Most people in the world have rejected the Lord and His word to follow their own ways. Sadly, the evil one has successfully deceived and blinded many (2 Cor 4:4).

He has set his own people at higher places of influence in order to control and promote his evil agenda in this world. We know the evil one comes to steal, kill, and destroy. Looking at the current situation in the world, it looks like he controls most parts of the world and there seems to be no hope for us. However, I want to assure you today that there is hope.

Beloved in the Lord, I want you to know that we have the greatest Power and Authority in Christ to destroy the works of the evil one and rule the earth. When the Lord Jesus Christ resurrected, He appeared to His Disciples and declared to them that all Authority in heaven and on earth has been given Him (Matt 28.18-20). He has given His Authority on earth to the Church, and it is therefore available to every Believer who has accepted Jesus Christ as his/her Lord and personal savior and does the will of the Lord.

It is important to know that when the Lord created the earth, He placed man in charge and His plan was for man to have dominion and rule over the earth. However, when man fell, we lost this Authority to the evil one and he became the prince of this world. Thatโ€™s why when the devil came to tempt our Lord Jesus, he promised Him all the Kingdoms of this world if He should bow to him (Matt 4:8-10).

However, this Authority to rule over earth has been restored to us through the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus. May His name be praised forever! It is therefore time for us to arise and fight oh mighty men and women of valor. It is time to take our Authority and rule over the earth. It is time to occupy the higher places of influence.

It is time to reclaim our possessions and inheritance. It is time to destroy all the works of the evil one. The Lord is counting on you because He has given you His authority (Ez 22:30). Your brothers and sisters who are still in the world are also counting on you. They have been held bondage by the evil one and their deliverance, freedom and salvation depend on you (Oba 1:21).

Beloved in the Lord, the evil one has deceived and blinded many and he seems to control the affairs of this world. However, we have been given the Authority in Christ to rule over the earth. We therefore have to exercise our Authority in Christ to rule over the earth and restore it to Godโ€™s original Plan. It is now time to arise and transfer men from the Kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of Light (Col 1:13). Arise oh mighty men and women of valor!

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s thank God for His Word today. Letโ€™s ask the Lord to help all Believers to exercise our Authority in Christ to rule over the earth.

God bless you all


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