True Freedom

Call to Prayer

Title: True Freedom

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 19.06.2023


It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Galatians 5:1 NIV


After God created Adam, there was a lesson that Adam needed to be taught. Instead of using words, God passed this knowledge to him practically; he gave him a very simple instruction. As we know, He asked him not to eat of a particular tree. Though that tree was one of many trees of the Garden, Adam ate of it and he died. Though many would look back and say in anger, why did Adam sin and cause humanity this much stress? But carefully considering his formation on earth, we will realize that he didn’t have the ability to pass that test.

To further make clear to humanity His mind, He called the nation of Israel, and in the wilderness, He gave several laws to them and made access to the blessing dependent on their ability to keep His commandments. Surely, since His judgement has been seen in the life of Adam and men after him, the children of Israel should know how important God takes His laws and desists from sinning. However, that wasn’t the case. The more laws were given, the more they sinned. Instead of being heirs of the blessing, they became cursed. Now, what lesson was God passing to humanity by giving us instructions (laws) and making His blessings dependent on them?

To answer the above question, let’s consider what God revealed through Apostle Paul about the instructions/laws He gave the Israelites: after saying “the law is holy, and the commandment is holy, righteous and good (Rom. 7:12 NIV)”, he went on to say “Did that which is good, then, become death to me? in order that sin might be recognized as sin, it used what is good to bring about my death, so that through the commandment sin might become utterly sinful (Rom. 7:13 NIV)”. From the statements of Paul, we discover that the reason the instructions were given was so that sin will be revealed. At his formation, Adam did not have the nature of righteousness and the test was to reveal this. His failing was not a surprise to God, He expected him to fail and He made plans for his redemption even before his creation (Rev. 13:8)

The reason God went the extra mile to reveal to mankind the frailty of our flesh is so we will recognize our need for Him and we will be able to praise His glorious grace (Eph. 1:6). We are free indeed when we know that His blessings to us is not because of our ability to keep His commandments, and are able to acknowledge His grace for whatever height He takes us to or whatever we accomplish on earth.

Prayer Point

Let’s thank God for His word. Let’s ask Him to help us to trust in Him and not in our ability to keep His instructions.


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