
Call to Prayerย 

Title: Unshaken

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 12.07.2023


At that time his voice shook the earth, but now he has promised, โ€œOnce more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens.โ€The words โ€œonce moreโ€ indicate the removing of what can be shakenโ€”that is, created thingsโ€”so that what cannot be shaken may remain.ย  Hebrews 12:26-27 NIV


For some time now, I have been seeing repeated visions of the earth shaking. I understood that it meant God was allowing trials to test the foundations of men. It is imperative we are unshaken at this point, for only then can we remain.

When Jesus Christ was teaching His disciples, in Matthew 7:24 – 27, He mentioned two foundations; sand and rock (mountain). Where our lives is built is determined by our obedience to His word. For those who practice His word, they were compared to houses built upon a rock that neither the rain, the flood, nor the wind were able to shake the building out of its foundation (it was unshaken). This goes to show how important it is thatย  we practice the word at this time the Church is being tried.

When God was talking about shaking the earth, He mentioned that His voice was the instrument of shaking (Heb. 12:26). A voice is a means by which the word comes to us: it may be a dream, prophecy, a man, what is heard, seen, or a witness in our heart etc. By God saying His voice shook the earth, He was indicating that tests or trials will come through these means by which He speaks. A voice in itself is not the word, and if the word or the message a voice conveys is not consistent with the word (scriptures, the revelation of Christ), it should be rejected. else, we are building on prophetic experiences rather than Truth (the revelation of the written word).

How many people have done outrageous things, and acted wickedly towards people all in the name of “God told me to”? At this time, let’s ensure we take our stand on the word, and prove all we receive through the different means He speaks with it. As we do this, we are unshaken, forever abiding in Him.

Prayer Point:

Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s ask Him to help us to build on the word, and He should help us prove all prophetic experiences with His word.


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