A lifestyle of discipline

Call To Prayer

Title: A lifestyle of discipline

By: Njuacha Hubert

Date: 15/07/2023


ย And He said to them all, โ€œIf any man will come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily, and follow Me.ย ย Luke 9:23


Coming after Jesus means becoming great. We are not talking of receiving the love of God and mercy of God which is free of charge; it is an awesome first step. However, we are talking of walking the pathway of greatness: sacrifice and pain. No cross no Glory. Because we are called to greatness it is for this reason that we are called to a lifestyle of discipline (Romans 8:17-18). Discipline in what you say, what you see,ย  what you wear, what you allow your mind dwell on and at times even what you eat. A lifestyle of discipline.

Sometimes you are offended and feel like uttering some bitter words but you remember you are now in Christ and cannot partake in hate. And even when you utter such bitter words the spirit of God convicts you and you feel remorse and are the first to apologize. You may feel an urge to watch pornography but you don’t yield to that because you are called to discipline. You are a young lady and like most of your age bracket you want attention and so are tempted to dress indecently but you too are called to modesty. You can still absolutely look good but modest. You are in the world but not of the world and so you are not a slave to fashion but must be selective of what fashion is aligned to decency. At times lustful thoughts linger in your mind but you are turning your mind away from that and trusting God’s providence and grace. Discipline in exercising and eating healthy. You need to be healthy to do God’s will.(1 Timothy 5:23). Remember you are the temple of God.

We are all at different levels of the practice of discipline. Don’t look at the man of God and say he can’t be tempted. My brother, we are all in this battle with the flesh. However we do grow in discipline. And it does become easier not necessarily because life becomes easier but because you have become stronger as you practice and utilize the weapons that are available in the spiritual warfare against sin; such as the word of God, prayers, fasting, fellowship, worship, thanksgiving e.t.c .

As you practice discipline utilizing God’s grace accessible in Christ, you will soon begin to reap the fruits as it cuts across all aspects of your life(1 Timothy 8: 9). Discipline is not for a season or a moment but a lifestyle because we want to keep winning and not fall into temptations.


Prayer Point

Let’s thank God for the word today. Let’s pray that we accept the lifestyle of discipline trusting God that His grace, rest and providence will not fail us.



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