He Who Has Been Forgiven Much


By: Stephen Osei Kuffour

Date: 16.07.2023

Title: He Who Has Been Forgiven Much


Therefore I say to you, her sins, which are many, are forgiven, for she loved much. But to whom little is forgiven, the same loves little.โ€ (Luke 7:47 NKJV)


One day our Lord Jesus visited one Pharisee for a Dinner. As they were eating, a certain woman who is known to be sinful in that City came and bowed before Jesus. This woman brought a very expensive perfume, poured it on the feet of Jesus and wiped it with her hair. The Pharisee was surprised to see how a holy man like Jesus would allow this sinful woman to touch him.

To answer his doubts, the Lord Jesus told a story of a certain man who loaned 500 and 50 pieces of Silver to two people but neither of them could repay him, so he kindly forgave them both, canceling their debts. Jesus then asked the Pharisee that which of the Debtors will love the man more after that? He replied that the one who owed 500 pieces of Silver and Jesus acknowledged that he has rightly judged (Luke 7:36-50).

The word of God encourages all Believers to love the Lord with all our heart, soul, and strength (Matt 10:27). We should have a strong love for God because He first loved us. To love the Lord is to build intimacy with Him and also obey His Commandments and Word (1 John 5:3). However, if you look at the level of disobedience in the world, it clearly shows us that many people do not love God. The love of many Believers has also waxed cold just as our Lord Jesus foretold would happen before His coming (Matt 24:12).

One of the reasons why many do not love the Lord so much is because they do not know what the Lord has done for them or delivered them from. Those who are aware of it also do not place much value on what the Lord has done and are therefore not appreciative enough. The evil one wanted to steal, kill, and destroy you (John 10:10). He wanted to sift you like wheat, but the Lord delivered you from his hands (Luke 22:31). Just imagine the number of sinful acts you have committed since your infancy; they are uncountable.

We were on our way to hell to suffer eternal torments and destruction and damnation, but the Lord forgave us, saved us, and brought us into His glorious Kingdom (Col 3:16, Rom 6:23). Do you know the price that the Lord had to pay for our sins? A holy God who is pure and hates sin had to come on earth, take the form of man and become sin for us so that we can meet His righteous Standard (Phil 2:5-11, 2 Cor 5:21).

Our Lord Jesus knowing the pain, suffering, torture, and shame ahead of him went to the Garden of Gethsemane and prayed to the extent that his Tears were like blood. He asked the Father that if there is any other way to save us, he should use it, so He doesnโ€™t need to go through all the shame and suffering. At the end, out of love for you and me, He accepted the Will of the Father and died such a shameful death on the Cross (Matt 26:39).

Today if anyone shall believe and confess Jesus Christ as Lord and savior, he/she will be saved. After all that He has done for you, why donโ€™t you love Him much? Apostle Paul was someone who really understood how much he has been forgiven. This explains his love and zeal for the Lord and His Kingdom (1 Tim 1:12-14). ย Letโ€™s learn from him and love the Lord with everything in us.

Beloved in the Lord, loving God is obeying His Commandment. We have to love the Lord with all our heart, soul, and strength. To be able to love the Lord more, we have to know how much we have been forgiven. If we love the Lord, He will also love us and make His home with us (John 14:23).

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s thank God for His Word today. Let ask the Lord to help all Believers to be always conscious of how much we have been forgiven. Letโ€™s also ask Him to help us to love Him with all our heart, soul, and strength.

God bless you all


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