Less than the Least 

Call to Prayer

Title: Less than the Least

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 18.05.2023


Although I am less than the least of all the Lord’s people, this grace was given me: to preach to the Gentiles the boundless riches of Christ. Ephesians 3:8 NIV


Concerning the subject of greatness, Apostle Paul discovered something about this subject that the disciples who walked with Jesus did not have access to. Worthy of note is that Apostle Paul excelled all in His generation and had the greatest impact with the Gospel. The success of Apostle Paul wasn’t random, but it was a result of the grace received.

When Jesus Christ was teaching the disciples how to be great, He mentioned how they needed to become the last so they can become the first. And we conform to the least when we humble ourselves to serve (Mark 9:35). However, Apostle Paul spoke about being less than the least (Eph. 3:8), which suggests being lower than the lowest position. If for you to be great (1st), you have to take the position of the least, then being less than the least attracts grace to you to become the greatest.

Now, how did Apostle Paul attain this position? It was a gift that expressed itself through the circumstances surrounding his salvation, which imparted a self concept in him that was more base than others. For despite he persecuted the saints, God showed him mercy and gave him grace to be among the fold (1 Cor. 15:9). The realisation of how unworthy he is made him to be in the best position to receive such abundance of grace, because he will be quick to praise God’s grace and acknowledge Him as the basis of his success and living (Eph. 1:3, 1 Cor. 15: 10).

In the same manner, when God decides to help us rise higher than others in a given field of influence, He will create a circumstance that will help us consider ourselves less than others. This circumstance can take different forms, which will help you to see yourself without the help of God (how unworthy you are without Him), then it will generate a heart of appreciation for the grace given.

Prayer Point 

Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s ask Him to help us know how unworthy we are without Him, so we can truly appreciate His help.




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