Avoiding Deception

Call To Prayerย 

Title: Avoiding Deceptionย 

By: Njuacha Hubertย 

Date: 12.08.2023ย 


For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wondersย to deceive, if possible, even the elect.ย  Mathew 24:24ย 


Deception is a very common strategy of the enemy.ย If you areย thinking that only unbelievers can be deceived, then you need a rethink because the opening verse clearly states the possibility of the โ€œelectโ€ being deceived. Deception is very dangerous because you might be well meaning but still walking in deception. So how can we avoid deception? ย 

Deception can be defined as when you are made to think that something which is true is false or something false is true. An interesting aspect that we might miss about deception is that it is not always full of lies. It could be a series of truths with a lie in the middle that makes the overall idea conveyed a lie. This has been and continues to be the strategy of the devil and his agents. (2 Corinthians 11:13-15). ย ย 

The Holy spirit is our guide into all the truth (John 16:13) which means our way out of deception.ย Children of God are those who are led by the Spirit of God (Romans 8:14). This spirit does not just guide us in isolation. We need to study the word for ourselves (read your bible) and pray in tongues to build our faith which leads us to believe what the Spirit says (Romans 10:11, Jude 1:20, 1 Corinthians 14:4). Don’t just follow the teachings of a man of God blindly because your real teacher is the Holy spirit. Donโ€™t just rely on the teacherโ€™s reputation (coming for instance from miracles performed), popularity or eloquence. But be keen on what is the witness of the Holy spirit and what are the references from Scriptures. ย 

Another way of avoiding deception or coming out quickly is avoid closed or isolated Christianity. The kind that you are told not to discuss believes with others or even outrightly avoid others. It is a recurrent trait that has been found in sects that turned out diabolic. If what you have is truly true doctrine, then you should not be afraid to discuss it openly. Through discussions your own deceptions or errors in believe can be exposed to you or challenge you to find out the scriptural backings. Remember the goal is to know the truth not to win an argument and your loyalty is first and foremost to God before any person or group. So, humility is vital. ย 

Be careful of verses taken out of context. A verse taken out of context can be very misleading and deceptive. Remember how the devil tried to use verses to deceive Jesus (Luke 4:9-12).ย 


Prayer Point:ย 

Letโ€™s thank God for the bible. Letโ€™s pray we obtain grace to be bible reading Christians. ย ย 


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