The direction of the Spirit

Call To Prayer

Title: The directions of the Spirit

By: Wale Lasisi

Date: 07.09.2023


And when the living creatures went, the wheels went by them: and when the living creatures were lifted up from the earth, the wheels were lifted up. [20] Whithersoever the spirit was to go, they went, thither was their spirit to go; and the wheels were lifted up over against them: for the spirit of the living creature was in the wheels.ย  ( Ezekiel 1:19-20 KJV)


A wise man once said and I agree with him “No matter how fast you are going in the wrong direction, it can never get you to the right destination”. Our opening scripture reveals that the living creatures and the wheels only went in the direction the spirit was heading and their own spirits were in the wheels. This means they never go where the Spirit of the Lord is not leading them.

The adventure in the Spirit truly begins when the Holy Spirit mingles and takes over our human spirit. The human spirit is fully engrafted, it begins to move in the direction the Holy Spirit desires and craves what the Holy Spirit wants.
It is this super-imposition that David was describing in Ps 23 when he declared the Lord as his shepherd. The one who controls how he moves and what direction he takes per time. The one who influences his decision. Decision making should not be left only to logic and reasoning because there is a provision for direction by the Spirit.

There are steps you will take and in the immediate, it may look foolish or painful but the Holy Spirit in you will rejoice and you feel peace that you canโ€™t explain.

To be guided by the Spirit in the right direction, you need to know the voice of scriptures. There is a voice behind the scriptures and it is the voice of the Spirit. That is why the man that tarries with the word in pursuit of God will hear the voice from His word and this voice guide and direct through the right paths.
When you get to this stage, you will begin to think in scriptures because the Spirit of God has mingled with your human spirit and taken your soul. At every point, the Holy Ghost casts a scripture on your mind relevant to the situation to reveal what he is saying concerning that issue like He revealed Himself to Samuel again in Shiloh by the word (1 Sam.3:21)


Prayer point:
Let us thank God for today. Let us pray that God will continually guide us in the right direction by the word and His Spirit.


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