Obedience is still rewarded

Call To Prayerย 

Title: Obedience is still rewardedย 

By: Njuacha Hubertย 

Date: 09.09.2023ย 


God โ€œwill repay each person according to what they have done.โ€ Romans 2:6ย 


That you have accepted Jesus Christ, and you are now born again through faith does not mean you will automatically get the rewards of those who obey the instructions of God. Other similar verses to our opening verse from the New Testament include Mathew 10:42, Mathew 25:34-37, Psalm 62:12 and Prov. 24:12. Obedience is rewarded by God; as it was in the old, so it still stands in the new. ย 

What then is the difference between the old and new covenant? In the old covenant, God gave instructions without the revelation of how to obtain the empowerment to obey. The result was that they tried hard to obey by their strength and failed woefully. In the new covenant, Christ (the word)ย still says, โ€œobey Godโ€™s instruction and you will be rewarded just as He obeyed God and was rewardedโ€ (paraphrasing from Philippians 2:8-9). In the new, Christ makes us righteous in spirit when we accept Him (John 3:5, Hebrews 12:14). Turning your heart from a heart of stone to a heart of flesh (Ezekiel 36:26). That means you are now ready and more disposed to obey. You are empowered by the Spirit to obey (John 1:12-13). But have you become a robot? Absolutely no. You are still free to decide to utilize this power or let itย lay waste. Thatโ€™s why saint Paul said, โ€œ… his grace to meย was not without effect. No, I worked harder than all of them…โ€. (1 Corinthians 15:10)ย 

Abraham believed God and it was accounted unto him as righteousness (Genesis 15:6), however that didnโ€™t mean he automatically obtained the blessing released in Genesis 22:18. Something was in between the righteousness and the blessing and that was obedience. So here is the order of events to get rewards from God. Faith in Jesus leads to righteousness which leads to obedience which leads to obtaining rewards. Remember the Israelites were already promised the land of Canaan, but they still had to engage in Battle (with an assurance that they have already won) to occupy the land. This fight represents obedience.ย 

When we are lazy or stubborn and donโ€™t obey God, we ask for mercy through the blood of Jesus. Mercy means we donโ€™t want to get what we deserve but are asking for unmerited favour. ย 

In all, does this mean that we boast in our obedience aloneย as if it were a result of only our will power. Absolutely no, for this will be Pride but we acknowledge the grace of God just as Saint Paul did. Saint Paul mentioned both โ€œI workedโ€ (obedience) andย โ€œyet graceโ€ (Godโ€™s help).ย 

How can Christians be motivated to obey if they are not aware that there are rewards attached to every obedience to Godโ€™s word. Yet this is what the word teaches. When we believe the rewards of obedience promised in Scripture then we are motivated to access more grace to obey.ย We are saved by faith alone but once in the kingdom there are rewards for those who work harder utilizing grace accessible (Romans 8:17).ย 


Prayer Point: ย 

Letโ€™s thank God for the word today. Letโ€™s pray for the grace to study the word more. ย 


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