Passionate love for God

Call To Prayerย 

Title: Passionate love for Godย 

By: Simon Maina Nuhuย 

Date: 15.09.2023ย 


โ€œAnd thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mightโ€ย  ย  (Deuteronomy 6:5).ย 


Love is one of the most essential virtues that is characterized by a life of humility, generosity, selflessness, optimum commitment to doing good etc. In fact, Love is life. It is a powerful and influential force that makes significant impact and is directly proportional to magnitude of intents. The best demonstration of Love is by the Almighty God. He so much loves the creation of His hands; most especially human beings. His Love is pure, perfect and incomparable to any human act or show of love. The Bible says, God loves us in that even while we were still sinners, Christ died for our sins (Romans 5:8). God is indeed so good that He gives all humans the โ€œGraceโ€ which is through Jesus Christ in order to manifest His unlimited love towards us.ย 

God expects us to at least show Him love in all that we do. Interestingly, the sole purpose of our existence here on Earth is to do His will. Loving God is not an advice or admonition! It is an obligation, command and also a responsibility. Loving God with all our heart, with all our mind and with all our might, opens a door of compassion for others, also creates room for a desire to live a life that pleases Him. Manifesting this love is not by only prayer or fasting!ย  There are also many practical ways to reciprocate God’s love for us; we can begin by loving our neighbors and brothers (1 John 4:20), doing good to our perceived haters/enemies (Romans 12:20), taking care of the needy etc. We need to also put Him first in all that we do, putting aside idols within the mind. It is also the little acts of sharing with people who lack, feeding the hungry, visiting the sick, saying sorry or encouraging those passing great times of challenges/trials in life. Our definition of Love as Godโ€™s children should not be drawn from the perspective of worldly love.ย 

ย If there exist godly love among us, we would live a regular life of joy, satisfaction, peace, happiness, concern for the plight of our neighbors etc. Brethren, we are given a mandate to love God with all our mind, this therefore means, we should love Him with all our potentials, our earthly possession, our time, human resources of whatever nature without being frugal. As most people say, Love conquers all things, we should proof our allegiance to Him by Loving what/who we see around our contemporary confines, like the needy, the disable, the hungry, those in need of assistance etc. May God help us to fulfill His demand of Love from us in Jesus name.

Prayer point:ย 

Letโ€™s thank God today for His word. Let us also ask Him to show us how to demonstrate our love to Him.ย 


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