Dangers of Iniquity

Call To Prayer

Title: Dangers of Iniquity

By: Wale Lasisi

Date: 21.09.2023


Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear: [2] But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear. (Isaiah 59:1-2 KJV)


There is a very thin line between diplomacy and telling a lie or doing wickedly. That if care is not taken, it is easy to think you are being diplomatic whereas, you are already falling into sin. It is not only good enough to love righteousness, we must also hate wickedness according to Ps 45:7 which will in turn qualify us for an anointing with the oil of gladness above our fellows. The corporate world has made lying or fooling others so you can get by, a norm.

Truth in itself is pure and any attempt to mix it with something else diminishes its potency. The word of God is truth and the more of it we lay hold on through continuous reading and pondering with the intention to know what God is saying through it, the more it sanctifies us. The word is a regulator and the Holy Spirit knows how to speak to us through the word which we have incubated in our spirit. He reaches out and drops it in our spirit when we are in situations of compromise where sin or flesh is likely to prevail.

In our text, we see a people crying day and night with no answers to their prayers and some of them would have thought that God doesnโ€™t answer prayers anymore until the prophet came to give us insight of the position of heaven on their petitions. Their prayer files had been refused admittance into the answer headquarters by a gate called iniquity and a wall called sin.

This scenario looks very familiar today where people ask you, where was God when this and this was happening to me? Some will say, I prayed all the prayer I knew but I didnโ€™t get any answer. It is important to check if we are not also guilty of what those people did. Are we still likely to lie to cover up for colleagues in the office? Or look away when the innocent is being punished as long it benefits you? Ps 82:2-3 reiterates the need to defend the one that cannot defend himself and not to take sides with the wicked.

Therefore, we must consciously with the help of the Holy Spirit draw a thick line that should not be crossed in the name of diplomacy. When we stand for the truth, it comes with a reward (Rev. 22:14) and when we donโ€™t the Lord closes His ears to our prayers.

Prayer point:
Letโ€™s thank God for the word. Let us pray that God will keep and strengthen us not to compromise in our daily walk with Him.


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