All my bet is on You

Call To Prayerย 

Title: All my bet is on Youย 

By: Njuacha Hubertย 

Date: 29.09.2023ย 


Simon Peter answered him, โ€œLord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life,ย  and we have believed, and have come to know, that you are the Holy One of God.โ€ย  John 6:68- 69ย 


Honestly speaking there are times when it has crossed my mind that what if there is no God, no hell, no heaven, no devil. But then when I remember certain music videos which depict demons, witchcraft or the devil and hearing their blasphemous statements about Jesus, it helps to proof that surely there is a devil and if there is a Devil then there is a God because who is he rebelling against. ย 

Again, when I think of the fact that the Apostles and many other early Christians endured persecution and even died just for the sake of their believe in Jesus, then I conclude that Jesus really offered something greater than money, or pleasure or anything this world can offer, which is eternal life. That is why they laid down this present life for the hope of eternal glory. ย 

All the above is an example of using reasoning and logic to arrive at the conclusion that there is a God; He indeed sent His son Jesus to die for all to be reconciled to Himself and there is a devil who is actively working hard to prevent us from doing this. If not, why do immoral musicians not leave it at only displaying immorality, but they go ahead to try to undermine faith in Jesus. They donโ€™t attack Islam or any other religion. It is often Christianity that interests them. Doesnโ€™t it tell you there is something special and authentic about Christianity? Doesnโ€™t it go to testify with scriptures that there is a battle for souls between the kingdom of Light and of Darkness and itโ€™s of utmost importance. (John 10:10, Mathew 4:9-10)ย 

Aside the temptation to doubt the existence of God, I also experience the temptation to doubt the goodness of God and this one even more recurrent. It is easy to believe in the goodness of God when things are going well for you but the moment you are experiencing sufferings it becomes challenging. However, this is where faith comes in. What does the Word say? (You remember!). In fact what about the simple believe that God is good. In a marriage, a womanโ€™s love (and vice versa) is tested when the man is going through a setback (e.g., loss of job). In a like manner what God expects from us in suffering is faith. Faith is Godโ€™s love language (Hebrews 11:6). Although sometimes I fall, other times I just say โ€œGod, all my bet is on youโ€ .


Prayer Point:ย 

Letโ€™s thank God for the word. Letโ€™s pray for the grace to grow in our believe in the goodness and faithfulness of God by remembering His written promises and track records of faithfulness in scriptures, in our lives and those of others.ย 


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