Open Our Eyes


By: Stephen Osei Kuffour

Date: 08.10.2023

Title: Open Our Eyes


And Elisha prayed, and said, โ€œLord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see.โ€ Then the Lord opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw. And behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. (2 Kings 6:17 NKJV)


There was a time that the King of Syria planned to wage a war against Israel. However, Prophet Elisha revealed all his plans to the King of Israel and his plans therefore became unsuccessful. He became furious and decided to capture and kill Prophet Elisha. He sent a great army of horses and chariots in the night to surround the City of Dothan where Elisha was.

When Elishaโ€™s servant saw the army, he panicked and asked his master what they should do. Elisha told him not to be afraid because the army that is with them (spiritually) far outnumbers that of the King of Syria. He then prayed for the Lord to open the eyes of his servant and his spiritual eyes were opened and he saw that they were truly surrounded by a great army of the Lord (2 Kgs 6).

Many Believers are going through various forms of trials, sufferings, and persecutions. When Believers stand for the truth and principles of the word of God, we are mostly met with severe persecutions. The system of this world has been designed by the enemy to oppress Believers. It seems like the evil ones are thriving while the righteous are suffering.

The suffering may sometimes be so unbearable that a Believer may want to give in or give up and follow the ways of the evil one. It may seem like you are alone in this difficult time. However, if the Lord should open your spiritual eyes, you will see that you are not alone. You will know that the Lord is and has always been with you and will be with you to the very end when His Glory is revealed in your life.

The attitude and zeal of most Believers towards the work of God is really bad. Most donโ€™t even get involved in activities like Outreach, Evangelism, Visitation, etc. They are mostly late for Church Service and Fellowship meetings. However, these same people will arrive at the Airport 3 hours earlier before Takeoff. These people are punctual and diligent in their Jobs because they know that they will receive salary at the end of the month and promotion in the near future.

The truth is that most Believers donโ€™t take the work of God serious. This is because most of us have eyes, but we cannot see. If the Lord should open our eyes to see the rewards and crowns that await those who are diligent in their service, I believe the attitude of most Believers will change. One of the main motivations of the early Disciples and Apostles is that their eyes were opened to see the Glory that comes after their suffering.

The word of God makes us understand that our Lord Jesus Christ endured the Cross and its pain, shame, torture, and ridicule because He saw the Joy that was set before Him (Heb 12:2-3). The eyes of Stephen were opened when he was being stoned to death. The Glory he saw was so marvelous that he didnโ€™t bother to ask the Lord for deliverance but was rather praying for the salvation of souls of the Israelites (Acts 7).

Beloved in the Lord, the Lord is always with us, and He has great rewards for all who are diligent in their service and those who endure trials, sufferings, and persecutions (Matt 5:10-12, 1 Cor 15:58, Heb 6:10). However, our spiritual eyes need to be opened to see what the Lord has in store for us. This will motivate us to keep fighting the good fight and help us to endure to the very end. Lord, open our eyes!

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s thank God for His Word today. Letโ€™s ask the Lord to open the eyes of all Believers to see the Glory that awaits us.

God bless you all


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