The Power In His Word

Call To Prayer

Title: The Power in His Word

By: Wale Lasisi

Date: 19.10.2023


Seek ye out of the book of the Lord, and read: no one of these shall fail, none shall want her mate: for my mouth it hath commanded, and his spirit it hath gathered them. (Isaiah 34:16 KJV)


The scriptures records the immutability of Godโ€™s word (Heb. 6:18) and how his words can never be a lie. However, there are some outlined instructions that needs to be followed to profit from the word of God which he has spoken or commanded. From our opening text, we see that we are to โ€œseek outโ€ of the book of the Lord and the second instruction is to โ€œreadโ€. These instructions are deliberate because the creator knows his creation so well.

First is to seek out. To seek out is to intentionally search for something or someone. The Lord is admonishing the believer to seek for His word concerning their issues and circumstances. There are young men and women panting after God to know Him more until they locate the word written concerning them (Jer. 29:13). For the one looking for a partner, there is a word from the Lord. For the one looking after success, there is a word from the Lord. For the one looking for the fruits of the womb, Godโ€™s ever present word is available to do wonders. Seeking out is having the evidence to present to the righteous judge in the court of heaven for supernatural victory over the works of darkness.

Secondly, to read is to both internalise and also proclaim that which concerns you that you have found in the word to the ears of everyone. When Jesus saw where it was written concerning him, he read it in the synagogue to the ears of everyone present (Luke 4:18). It is an open declaration of the will of God concerning you back to Him and also to every demonic forces, that you have legal rights to be free and thatโ€™s exactly what you are presenting so every ear can hear. After reading out loud, which you can see as the confession of faith, you have given God the legal premise to intervene in your affairs and the devil also hears and knows you have discovered your rights in Christ.

Seeking out and reading is about finding for ourselves in the constitution of heaven, which is the word of God, what the will of God is concerning our lives and enforcing it. Every man must discover for themselves that which gives them victory and testimony from the word of God thereby making of no effect the plans and purpose of the enemy.


Prayer point:
Letโ€™s thank God for His word today. Letโ€™s pray for direction from God to adequately locate that which concerns us from His word so our story can change.


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