Stand on the Rock

Call to Prayer

Title: Stand on the Rock

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 23.10.2023


Then the LORD said, โ€œThere is a place near me where you may stand on a rock. Exodus 33:21 NIV.


God intends to make His mind known to us, this is why He gives us dreams and visions. However, to properly discern what He is saying to us, there is a place we are to stand, a location we have to be.

When God decided to show Moses His glory, He told him that he was going to make all His goodness pass through him (Exo. 33:19). However, there was a position He requested Moses to be. He said “... There is a place near me where you may stand on a rock “(Exo. 33:21 NiV). When Apostle Paul was speaking about the spiritual rock that followed the children of Israel in the wilderness, he said “…that Rock was Christ “(1 Cor.10:4 KJV), and Christ is the word (John 1:11,14). Invariably, what the Lord was telling Moses was that he should stand on the word to judge what he was going to show him.

Many people have gone off the way because of a dream or a vision supposedly from God. We have not been called to live by dreams or visions but by faith in the word (Habakkuk. 2:4). Therefore, we must judge what we see and hear in the spirit with the revelation of the word. Whatever contradicts the word must be rejected, and we accept whatever is consistent with the word.

Deeply meditating on the word helps us to know what is of God and that which is not. The Bible said of Jesus Christ “Butter and honey shall he eat, that he may know to refuse the evil, and choose the good (Isaiah 7:15). Butter and honey are symbols representing the word of God (Psalm 119:103, Psalm 55:21).

Prayer Point.

Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s ask Him to help us spend quality time mediating on the word so we can be able to judge accurately what He

shows us.


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