Preparing for His Coming 

Call to Prayer

Title: Preparing for His Coming

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 30.10.2023


Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.

1 Thes. 4:17 NKJV


Many years ago, I was lying on my bed when I heard “Come, let me show you what’s about to happen”. Immediately I was taken in the spirit to a school field I know in the natural and I saw lots of people gathered in the field. I was at an elevation (sitting on the fence), where I could see the heads of everyone, and I could feel the presence of the Holy Spirit on my right hand side. Suddenly, without any notice, some of the people disappeared, and I could no longer feel the presence of the Holy Spirit at my right hand side.

The sorrow that the people left behind felt is something unexplainable; people ran hopelessly with the disappointment of missing the rapture. I was given the grace to feel this pain with them, and I tell you, it’s not what you would like. Jesus is coming soon, are you prepared? The sudden nature of His coming was compared to the visit of a thief in the night (1 Thes. 5:1-4), which suggests that He will come when people are least suspecting. Meaning, we have to be prepared at all times for it can happen at any time. With this known, how do we prepare?

Christ is coming for a Church without spot or wrinkle (Eph. 5:27), which means He coming for a church that is holy and perfect. To be prepared for His coming, our garments need to be white and straightened at all times. How can this be attained? When speaking to Abraham, He said “… walk before me and be perfect (Gen. 17:1)“, giving him the key to attain perfection, “walking before God“. We walk before God when we live our lives being conscious that He is with us and allow that consciousness to influence our decisions. This was what Joseph had when he refused to sleep with Potiphar’s wife, for He said “… how then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God? (Gen. 39:9)”, seeing God with him.

One way to maintain the consciousness of His presence is by intimating with Him moment by moment as we go about our day. In that intimacy, He stirs us away from evil and we receive grace to say no to sin when tempted. This way, our garments is always white: spotless and without wrinkle.

Prayer point:

Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s ask Him to help us live out lives in the consciousness of His presence with us, so we can always be ready for His coming.


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